View Full Version : Where to purchase firewood?

05-03-2011, 07:45 AM
I'm wondering where to purchase firewood? We're putting in at the springstead landing. Does anybody know a place near there to acquire firewood?

05-03-2011, 08:25 AM
Should be able to get some firewood at the Flambeau Flowage Sports shop or at the Dear Lodge.

the other andy
05-03-2011, 08:54 AM
Bring an axe, there's plenty of downed trees out there begging to be chopped up.

Ruff Fish
05-03-2011, 11:58 AM
I, myself, was wondering if there is a source for decent firewood in any kind of quantities?

The little bundles that I've been picking up at local gas stations leave a lot to be desired. Wet stuff, usually.

If a guy wanted a cord of firewood.....is there anybody selling any decent stuff?

Mark Benson
05-03-2011, 01:34 PM
the other andy:

Just remember that some areas of the flowage may not allow you to take even the wood down from the tornado... I don't know the rules, but have read that messing with some of that wood may be in violation...

ruff fish:

Cord wood found in the area is always an interesting process. May be best to understand what some of the more local people might offer for information. Most sellers of dry hardwood may be taking loggers sticks (8' in length), cutting and splitting it to order as it is easier to store that way. Your wood may be drier, but depending on what you are trying to do with it, may still be awfully wet. Buying it this way to use for a campfire is one thing, to use in the new high efficiency wood stoves and fireplaces, it still may need to be cured for up to a year or slightly more.

While I used to forage (w/ permit) in the forest (state/county), I think buying loggers cords ($90-$110 depending on the logger {maple mix right now delivered}) to be a cheaper alternative to driving into, searching, cutting, splitting and hauling back. Now they are offering that price for loads of 11-12 cords of wood that come on an eighteen wheeler. But I have been finding other buyers to help me split the cost of the wood.


the other andy
05-03-2011, 02:47 PM

Those are face cords, not pulp cords. Pretty reasonable price, but it you'll be taking some home with you.
I'd talk to the Ranger (not the blue one) before you go out, generally you CAN cut downed timber above the waterline but its always best to ask.

Mark Benson
05-03-2011, 03:01 PM
Loggers cord > 2' high x 8' wide x 8' long = 128 cubic. foot.
Full Cord > 4' high x 4' wide x 8' long = 128 cu. ft.
Face Cord > 4' high x 16" wide x 8' long = 128 cu. ft. oops 128/3 = 42.67 cord

At one time I thought buying logger's cords was like getting 2 full cord, but I was wrong... still happy not to have to drive several miles into the woods to get. Andy, good price for the oak face cord too, and could be dry too, but it all depends on what you are trying to accomplish for how dry it is.


05-03-2011, 06:58 PM
when are you going up there and how much are you looking for we will be up there around the 20th for a week not sure yet about this weekend we have some cut about 3 miles north of town nothing special just dead wood

05-04-2011, 11:13 AM
Thanks for all the great info. We'll be heading up next wednesday through the 15th. So it looks like we'll just miss you, sureshot612.

We'll definitely bring an axe, but we're looking to fish hard so cutting firewood isn't something we want spend a lot of time on. Looks like the flambeau sport shop or the dear lodge will get a visit.

Flambeau dreamer
05-04-2011, 12:55 PM
kat at dear lodge on ff could probably help

The Frog caster
05-04-2011, 09:25 PM
You can go to the Hadley brush pit ............ directions from Mercer are as follows: 51 north to FF ....... FF to Popko Circle east past the golf course to Hadley road. Down hadley rd approx. 1/4 mile on your right you'll see the gate. They are open on Saturday only till 3:00 P.M. ......... There's lots of wood and brush there, I'm sure the attendant (if present) will let you have all you want. As you pull in on the right some of the stuff is already cut up. Life is good !!! Larry

Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
05-05-2011, 12:56 AM
Guys and Gals,

Lets start again. The original poster, sharkfeeder, wants to know where he can purchase a weekend's worth of firewood near the Springstead Landing off of Hwy. 182.

I am certain that there are some locals along Hwy. 182 that sell camp firewood, but I'm not on that side of the TFF to give him the location/information that he is requesting.

So, with these parameters in mind, does anyone have a suggestion?

There has been some great information given about obtaining camp firewood on Cty. Hwy. FF out of Mercer from places like Kat's at Dear Lodge. On Cty. Hwy. F, camp firewood may be purchased from Midway and there are one or two other locals that sell it as you are coming out of Butternut.

We are now two days from the fishing opener. Kathy and I wish everyone the best of luck, along with safe travels on the water.

Flambeau Riverman
05-05-2011, 07:12 PM
Between Park Falls and Springstead on 182 there's a guy who has two signs
in is yard one says firewood the other says guns for sale.
If your driving out of Park Falls it's about 5 miles out of town near the end of
that long straight stretch of 182 on the righthand side of the road.
There's also a resort a few more miles down 182 off of East road called
Flambeau resort they might have firewood for sale if they don't they should be able to tell you some of the locals around there that do.
(715) 762-2178
Good luck to all opening weeked!!!

05-05-2011, 09:26 PM
If you're coming from the Park Falls side, there are 2 more places along 182. The first is on your right just as your are leaving town to the east. The guy's sign says "firewood - maple and cedar". The second is about 5 miles further, there's a sign pointing to the left (north) towards Blockhouse lake that says "firewood 1 mile". Good luck!

the other andy
05-09-2011, 08:01 AM
There was enough wood at the campsite we stayed at (between fisherman's and the horseshoe) to last the whole summer. We brought wood but didn't use it.

05-09-2011, 06:17 PM
like i said in earlier post we are clearing property 3 miles north of town off 51 we have cut dead wood of all kinds nothin special most are from 3in. to 12 plus. around 2ft or better long looking to unload all. weather its for you or youre resort or store would just like it gone when we are up there the week of the 20th. there a couple of cords im sure .let me know thanks ps save us some eyes and perch ss612