View Full Version : Opening Day

05-07-2011, 07:49 PM
You would think that since i am posting this early that I had a good day but not so much. First, my Nav light didnt work so i had to wait till light to go, second I have been fighting a cold all week that seems to keep hanging around and gave me a pretty bad headache out on the lake so i came in and took a nap and got all geared up for the afternoon. The girlfriend decided to come along this afternoon (which was awesome, incase she reads this:)) and we got a good hour of fishing in before we came in for a bathroom break. I will hopefully hit it pretty hard in the morning. Hope you all had more fish in the livewell compared to me.

05-08-2011, 08:09 AM
Hi everyone,

Thanks for your report Josh. Nothing like a day of fishing to get yoou feeling better, so get out and fish hard today.

I didn't get out untill noon myself. I still get amazed at how many boats can actually fit on the Big Chip. It was such a beautifull day, that it was nice to see everyone out enjoying it.

On the fishing side of things, it went slow for most of the day, but I couldn't fish where I wanted to because there was already some one there. Luckily, I have many spots, and after trying many different methods, I had some success. I boated only one bass and one northrerns, and even though I only boated 1 17" Walleye, I lost 2 Walleyes at the boat while I was reaching for the net. ! Walleye was about a 22"er, and the other was slightly bigger. Guess I need a net man. I released every thing anyway,so it wasn't a bad thing. It was nice to at least see them. Just wish I could have gotten a picture of them.

I caught all the Walleyes on jigs and minnows on the weed edge. I tried cranking over the weeds, but nothing would hit. I drifted my sunken bogs with a few hits, but didn't catch anything out there. I fished some rocky shore areas, but with the lack of wind, there wa nothing there. I saw some marks around some structure in deeper water, but could not get them to hit. I figured they were Crappies. Some guys at the landing did catch some crappies, but just a few. They figured the Crappie bite was a couple of weeks away yet. The weather was gorgeous. At times a little wind from the east, then from the south. Was mostly sunny with the dominate wave being boat waves, and that was constant.

Fished the west side yesterday. I'll be on theeast side today. Good luck fishing everyone. If you see me on the water, stop and say hi.
