View Full Version : Walleye opener results

Ty Sennett
05-10-2011, 08:43 AM
We had a good and bad opener this last weekend. We caught some big ones but overall we didn't get into the numbers like we usually do. We ended up with a 28 3/4", 23 1/2", and some other 20 inch fish as our largest. We caught them on a variety of baits including crankbaits, ringworms, and jig and minnow presentations. I think the walleye are just finnishing up spawning. The females were completely empty but the males were definitely not. Made for a lot of scattered fish or completely non-aggressive fish. I had some friends up fishing also and they got into a pile of males yesterday. I think they caught about twenty in a coouple hours. All of them were in that 16 inch range. Good eating sized ones. It's going to be a few days before these fish start really crushing baits but if you happen to get on the right spot in the next week you can get on a pile of males in the 16 to 18 inch range that will be very aggressive.

Good luck,

05-10-2011, 10:02 PM
So, is this sorta' like the very first official open water report of 2011 ?

Ty Sennett
05-11-2011, 08:43 AM
Well I guess it is Robert. There you have it.

05-11-2011, 10:06 PM
Cool ! Then I am paying attention, and not having some kind of weird out of mind cyber experience.
Thus, the Season has begun. Not in earnest, of course, since Musky Season has not begun in your neck of the woods, yet, as this site exists, the Season has begun ! I am overjoyed, even mysti-eyed at the knowledge that Boating time is upon us anon.

Can there be greater joy ? "Yes", he said, "when the Musky reports truly start." But, joy of the open water wall eye kind is vast. Yes.

Practice filleting some of them pike, please.

Thank you.