View Full Version : Not again?

The Tiny Fisherman
05-11-2011, 07:17 AM
Well mother nature did it again. Last year in July we had twenty thousand dollars damage from a tornado. Now we lost two dock, boat lift and almost the boat. The boat was shot off the lift and went a drift in the storm. Lucky, two good friends ran down the shoreline and was able to get to the boat, before it got pounded on the north shoreline. Damage to the boat was minor, compared to what could have happened.

Life in the Nortwoods is ruff,

05-11-2011, 08:19 AM
Holy moly! Looks like the Bering Sea! Bad news...docks an lifts were trashed. Good news...nobody got hurt. A graphic reminder of how you have to respect the TFF, not just for the underwater and floating hazards, but also for what the weather can turn it into in the blink of an eye!

Mark Benson
05-11-2011, 09:24 AM

Sorry to hear about the wonderful weather issues. I can't ever remember seeing waves like the ones in pics 2 & 3!!! ...and they say pictures don't do any justice. On a side note how was your fishing during the opener???


05-11-2011, 11:19 AM
Sorry to hear about the damage. If that was in Bastine, I can't imagine what the big water looked like!

The Tiny Fisherman
05-11-2011, 11:23 AM
Thanks Mark, fishing was good thru the weekend. Had lots of cleanup to do Monday and Tuesday. Cut down trees, cleaned up the shoreline, still lots to do, but it can wait. Don't know how we'll fair with replacing the dock and lift. But at least the boat was saved and we can still go out fishing. Only hassel will be landing it all the time.

Take care, I'll stop in Friday with more pictures,

the other andy
05-11-2011, 11:31 AM
The walleye gods were angry with you, Tiny. When did you get your power back? And how'd you like the light show last night? That rolling thunder might be shutting the fish down for a day or two. Not a good week to camp, that's for sure.

The Tiny Fisherman
05-11-2011, 12:37 PM
Your right Andy, you'd have thought that we speared 5,000 walleyes. Power came back on around five yesterday afternoon. It sure was a light show last night, its a good thing I was so tired from cutting up trees. I'm sure glad we weren't camping, hope they were all right.

Hot Runr Guy
05-11-2011, 01:12 PM
Tiny, when did all this happen? I saw the reports of a tornado warning and golf-ball size hail from the MPLS area last night, was it the same storm?

the other andy
05-11-2011, 01:41 PM
The wind was Monday, thunder and lightning last night (Tuesday) was part of the storm that rolled through the Cities. Sounds like you did O.K. only losing power till 5. A lot of folks on F and around PF lost power till 9 p.m. or later.

Mark Benson
05-11-2011, 03:04 PM
It rolled through here in the Minocqua area about 2:50 a.m. Lots of lightning, thunder, some pea-sized hail and about .2 of an inch of rain. Thankfully according to the tv ads, my enlarged prostate made my bladder aware of that necessity and I was able to get another 4 hours of fitful sleep afterwards!!!

This afternoon's storm I am thinking has produced a lot more rain and is hopefully through the area, so that I can fish for awhile tonight with friends from Madison. I have been fishing one of the landlocked lakes east of town that is struggling for water and its but a drop in the bucket for a lake that could still use 4' of water to fill it, but its better than nothing... Fishing has been ok, but having to deal with the opening week crowd has made getting on to the better spots difficult without giving something away. The lake to the east of town showed me 'eyes the first night, but I was too impatient and left fish to find fish. I worked it a little more intelligently yesterday and it showed me some fish, but many were short hitting and the ones caught were small.

Tiny, I will be here on Friday as always... I was hoping to get up there this weekend, but didn't work out.


Flambeau trail
05-11-2011, 09:18 PM
We have a place in Bastine Lake right next to Scott Reinhard's Flambeau Vista Retreat. Sorry to hear of all the damage to your dock. Those pics sure make it look like the Bering sea. Appreciate your reports. I have a 14ft Smoker Craft witih a 25 horse Merc. Be up there this weekend for a little flishing and relaxing. Enjoy your "guess the spot" . Someone usually beats me to guessing the spot before I can answer. Walt.

Brian P
05-12-2011, 12:57 PM
Have a place a few houses down from the Fort. I left at 8:00 a.m. Monday and before I even got to the Wisconsin border south I got a call from my neighbor telling my boat was capsized. Dock got trashed too. My Triton and and motor were submerged for 2 days. SS is trying to fix it now.

The Tiny Fisherman
05-13-2011, 06:02 AM
Hi Walt and Brian,

Sorry to hear you got nailed too Brian. I guess we'll keep the marina business going. The folks on the north shoreline (by Lake View) got beatup real bad too. We watched across the way, as they pulled out boats and docks.

Have a great day,

05-15-2011, 07:20 PM
I was out on Mon. and the wind came up very fast, I was surfing in on 4 footers and had a nasty time getting the boat on the trailer. Trees were coming down on the dam road, I had to go in the ditch twice to get around them and saw trees all over the power lines. Even though I had just arrived, I hauled ass out of there. I didn't have to cross the big water but I was out in it, reminded me a lot of getting caught out on Winnebago in that sort of thing when I was young. Hopefully will be out this week and have a positive report.