View Full Version : New Gravel/Asphalt pit coming to Springstead

john brennan
05-12-2011, 08:47 AM
I know this is a fishing site, but wanted to make most of you aware that there is talk that Pitlik & Wick is trying to open a gravel/asphalt pit off of Flowage Rd. What could be the environmental impact to the Flowage area and the nature habitat if they are allowed to open?

All comments are welcome and suggested that you send to Joe Morman at jjmorman@centurytel.net

The next planning commission meeting is Tuesday June 7th @ 7:30pm. If any of you have experience with a pit located by you or can share any experiences you may have, please email Joe.

05-14-2011, 09:36 PM
Can generate noise and a lot of dust. However unless there are currently undisturbed heavy metal deposits in the area, basically they are just removing drainage layers of sand and gravel. Also it is very likely to wreak havoc on the road unless the county rebuilds it.

05-14-2011, 10:23 PM
A gravel pit probably wouldn't be much cause for concern, but an asphalt plant could really stink up the Flowage depending on the wind direction.

Where is the proposed location? Has there been any kind of formal filing? If so, could you post a copy?

05-15-2011, 08:20 AM
Where I grew up, there were several asphalt plants. They really don't smell that bad. Those of you driving north through Wausau pass one right by the freeway and most days you don't smell it at all even when the wind is blowing right at the road. Gravel pits are really no big deal. There are a LOT of them just south of Minocqua (including some run by Pitlick & Wick) and there is no impact on the area at all. This is the area around big and little Bearskin lakes. There is even a trout stream that runs through the area with no real impact on it either.

john brennan
05-15-2011, 10:03 PM
There are 160 acres off flowage road just past the frontier inn. The road back is actually right at french lake lodge rd. It is Piklik & Wick. Their entrance and exit from the pit is flowage rd. They are claiming that they will operate from 6am thru 7pm mon-fri. and till 6 on sat. there is a meeting June 7th in springstead to discuss.Town Of Sherman
3063 Hwy 182
Springstead, WI 54552


The Planning Commission of the Town of Sherman will meet on Tuesday June 7th, 2011 at 7:30 PM in the Sherman Town Hall to consider and act on the following:


1. Call to order & verification of notice
2. Approve minutes of last meeting
3. Old Business-
Review changes to the Recreational Vehicle/Camper Trailer section of the Iron County Land Use Ordinance
Discussion of CUP application for a new non-metallic mine located in section 18 of the Town of Sherman & owned by Pitlik & Wick-Liberty Land Inc.
4. New Business
5. Public comments or questions
6. Adjournment

Dated this 15th day of May 2011

Craig Crowl
Chairman, Sherman Planning Commission

P.S. I sent out the following notes (on the Planning Commission meeting held on May 3rd) on the morning of May 4, 2011
The next Planning Commission meeting when the C.U.P. will be discussed in depth is Tuesday, June 7 @ 7:30 PM

Craig Crowl kept last night’s meeting moving, ensuring that everyone was heard, giving both pro-pit and anti-pit ample time to present their views. Craig is the centerpiece/coordinator for the town regarding this proposal and any questions you have or request for further information should be directed to him at
Town of Sherman ctn06500@centurytel.net He advised that he has still not received the official document from the county and the commission was relying on the copies delivered by P&WI.

Craig outlined the flow chart of the C.U.P. and reminded everyone that no decision would be made at this meeting and the meeting is for information purposes only. He introduced the P&WI representatives, (Matt Gaulke, Property Manager and Carolyn Lurvey, Environmental Engineer) to the residents of the town, about 35 in attendance.

Matt Gaulke gave a brief history of P&WI and defined the property to be mined.

* They intend to mine 30 acres in the Southeast quarter and leave the remaining 120 acres in Forest Crop (F-1).
* They do have mineral rights.
* NR-135 governs their operation and outlines the specifics of the reclamation activities.
* The pit will be set back 25 feet from property lines and 20 feet from any wetlands.
* The site will be logged, stumpage will be reserved for backfilling and topsoil will be bermed in an attempt to reduce noise distribution.
* Current access to the property is at the junction of Flowage Road and South French Lake Road.
* Negotiations have begun with property owners to the South of their purchase for an easement onto State Highway 182.
* Current easements on the property will stay in place.
* All of the equipment on the property will be portable.
* They are not sure where or how they will obtain water.
* The operation usually needs 2 to 4 employees, none of whom will be new hires from town residents.
* Their stated hours of operation will be from 6:00 AM to 7 PM Monday through Friday and 6 AM to 3 PM on Saturdays.
* The pit will operate anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks at a time, unless they have a large project.
* There is currently no high demand for the output of the pit; they just want to prepare for the future.
* Appointments for any resident who wants to see a pit in operation should contact him: in mornings: 715-479-7488, after noon: 715-891-2254.

Matt was asked if they were aware of the WISDOT http://www.dot.wisconsin.gov/projects/state/sixyear/ncr.htm plans to resurface Hwy 182; he stated he was not. Additional questions were posed regarding taxes, water sources, reclamation plans, mitigation, permanent structures et al.

When asked “Why Springstead?” Matt stated that the company is forward looking and is always interested in locating pits where it will be beneficial to them.

Craig brought the meeting to a close by requesting the P&WI bring additional personnel as well as answers to several questions regarding water sources,
access/exit routes, projected restoration procedures and the location(s) of pit that have already been reclaimed.

09-11-2011, 08:28 AM
Where I grew up, there were several asphalt plants. They really don't smell that bad. Those of you driving north through Wausau pass one right by the freeway and most days you don't smell it at all even when the wind is blowing right at the road. Gravel pits are really no big deal. There are a LOT of them just south of Minocqua (including some run by Pitlick & Wick) and there is no impact on the area at all. This is the area around big and little Bearskin lakes. There is even a trout stream that runs through the area with no real impact on it either.

this pitlic & wick quarry is a big deal for town of sherman residents.....it would be 1/2 mile by 1/2 mile big....they want to produce asphalt and concrete and whatever.....this would be smack dab in the center of springstead which is residential and recreation area.....these people are thugs rolling in here like bullies.....no frickin way.....we get absolutly nothing.......tipical carpetbaggers.....this area by the dnr is called the turtle flambeau scenic waters area,,,the quarry would be aganst this title.......the quarry would produce silica dust which is cancerous,,,danger to water wells and ground water,,,much noise and traffic on a forest road and town road plus devaluation in property values....oh ya,,,the odor.....go somewhere else you bums..


09-15-2011, 08:16 AM
would it create jobs? the world is changing,N.I.M.B.Y. is no longer germaine. Mining, drilling, whatever it takes, I need to feed my family!

the other andy
09-15-2011, 09:28 AM
I think they mention the mine would not create any new jobs.

09-15-2011, 02:57 PM
This entire issue has been dead for the past month or so.

The night that the Iron County Zoning Committee was ready to rule on this matter the applicant, Pitlik & Wick, withdrew their Conditional Use Permit application.

If they eventually want to operate a gravel pit on the same parcel of land, they will have "start over" and go though the Conditional Use Permit process again.

Tight Lines,


jon malone
09-16-2011, 08:51 PM
If they withdrew there is a reason and its not going to benefit anyone but them. They want to fly under the radar with whatever they are planning.