View Full Version : Hope All is OK After the Sun. Storms

Mark Benson
05-23-2011, 12:58 PM
All I could think of during the day was were you getting hit with the storms again. I saw Tiny on Friday and thought about sneaking up to crank some old areas, but figured it was a little too far away if the forecast storms came up. Hope all is well!!!


Flambeau Vista Retreat LLC
05-23-2011, 08:36 PM

We had some good wind and rain again. Everything is still intact in the Lake Bastine area. A number of trees went down along with power lines by Pat Kiewigs place (fka Toms Bar) on Hwy F between Elmwood Rd. and Spring Creek. It knocked the power out, but thats not unusual around here. A couple pulled into Midway with a smashed windshield and a hole in the hood of their car from a tree falling on them. Fortunately they are OK.

Thanks for your concern.

The Tiny Fisherman
05-24-2011, 07:11 AM
Mark, thanks for the concert during the storms. We were out fishing on the Big Water, Sunday. Fluffy kept telling me she could hear thunder, but I couldn't. It was very nice out, but lots of black clouds to the south and west. All of sudden I could feel a cool breeze. We started in at a very slow speed. As we got to the dam, the clouds were moving very fast. So I sped up too. We had to land the boat at Donners (because of the lift and dock being destroyed May 9). At the boat landing you could steady thunder. No sooner did we get the boat in the garage and it started to rain. The power went out right away, around three PM. It got very server at times and with as one cell after the other went though. The power came back on at eleven PM.

It can stop anytime,