View Full Version : T.F.F. Update

Don Pemble
05-25-2011, 06:50 AM
Tuesdays walleye action really slowed down from what it has been lately. Starting out with east winds that eventually turned to the NE, the eyes were holding pretty tight to the bottom, but that didn't slow down the smallies or the jumbo perch. Once again, we worked all windblown wooded shorelines with Reeves weedless jigs tipped with either fatheads or 1/2 crawlers and we came up 1 eye short of our limits during the day, but the smallies were everywhere and we had a ball catching and releasing them. Looking to add more fish to the well, we worked several cribs and came up with 16 big jumbo perch and 4 hand sized gills.

Back out today, will keep you posted.