View Full Version : Fishing report 5-30-2011

05-30-2011, 10:22 PM
Hi everyone,

Lots of storms today. Got out late this morning, just before the storm hit. I fished a spot a friend of mine Steve showed me the day before. We had fished it for hours without catching any Walleyes. But Steve told me it had been a pretty hot spot lately.

So I headed to that spot and anchored on it just before the lightning started. It was raining steadily with a S.E. wind which was perfect for that spot. I dropped the anchor in the deeper water and casted my jig and leech up to the top of the wooded bar and dragged the jig and leech down the slope. In three casts I caught three Walleyes all about 14"-15" that were all released. Then in the next 30 seconds, about 5 bolts of lightning lit up the sky above me. I think the hair on my beard stood up. I quickly reeled in my lines and as I lifted the anchor, another bolt of lighning made a big flash over my head with thunder about a second behind. Needless to say, that was all the fishing for the day.

I waited at the landing for a couple hours, but the storm was just sort of swirling, so I headed home. All in all, another fun experience on the Big Chip. like they say," If it don't kill ya, it makes you stronger." I do wonder just how many Walleyes I could have caught if I could have stayed out longer. The Walleyes had the feed bag on just as the storm hit. I'll remember the spot and thank you Steve. There is definatly some kind of forage there right now. Good luck fishing everyone.


05-31-2011, 05:28 PM
Fished Saturday and Sunday with little luck on walleye but good luck crappie fishing. Brother caught a nice 17 inch walleye on saturday night drifting over a bog. Sunday my nephew caught a nice 17 incher while crappie fishing. I put a larger crappie minnow on his hook and that seemed to trigger the walleye. Those were the only walleye all weekend. Tried for a muskie on Sunday morning and caught two northern both about 20 inches. Little windy today to head out and sounds like the same tomorrow so most likely later this week i will get back into fishing some walleye.