View Full Version : June 8-12 Report

06-13-2011, 10:53 AM
Our group fished out of the Lake Chippewa Campground this past weekend. My buddy and I fished with Ty Thursday and had a great time. He's a great guy to share a boat with. We boated one short and moved a bunch of other fish.

My Brother showed up Thursday afternoon, promptly inserted a horseshoe, and started to fish. He was back at camp by 9:30 with pictures of a 41" and a 45".

I caught one other short, bringing our total to 4 for the weekend. We caught plenty of everything and had a great time overall.

We overheard that the neighbor kids caught a 30" Walleye as well.

Ty when you get a chance shoot me an email about that battery.
I will text you my email address.

06-14-2011, 08:18 AM
Can I ask what you caugh the 41 and 45 on? My brother and I will be up there next week and hope to have the same luck you do. Thanks

06-14-2011, 09:40 AM
He wouldn't tell anyone but if I had to guess it would be either big plastics or big blades. We're close but when it comes to big muskies or big whitetails he is pretty tight-lipped!!

Ty Sennett
06-17-2011, 11:24 AM
Brothers, who needs them right? Glad to hear things went good for you guys. I'll try to get back to you on that battery. I just heard that the new boat is going to be about five weeks out so that's a little frustrating. No rush on the battery now.