View Full Version : 2011 Flatlander Invasion on Baystore

Muskie Junkie
06-13-2011, 03:27 PM
(17) members of the Flatlanders are getting primed to invade the Baystore Camp on July 9th. We are hoping to find nice weather and biting Muskies. I personally am wondering what special creature comforts will be awaiting our arrival this year. Some are even looking forward to seeing the Baystore's special neighbor. We hope he will stop by and share some of his Dakota hillbilly tactics with us. Also looking forward to meeting Nebraska Tim. Heard from a good source he is a bit of an odd duck but can hold his own even with this silly bunch that always has one eye to the cornfield. So Frank and Laura, roll out the burlap carpet, we are getting primed to pay our annual visit. Remember, the name of the game is Flame !!! :eek:


06-13-2011, 09:59 PM
It's about time someone started this dam post. Well, it's been a couple of years since my last visit to Baystore and honestly I can't wait to get back. 26 days and counting. Frank I'm sure you'll have the typical props in place for Rummy's arrival. I sure am glad to here we're goin to have an old face back in camp again.Welcome back Jeff. He's always good for couple of laughs. Kyle's excited to be coming back. Hope the old gummer across the bay pays visit while we're there.

Tim Kelly
06-14-2011, 12:20 AM
Have a great time fellas, and don't pick on that poor Mr Pearson this time. Play nice!

06-14-2011, 05:36 AM
Oh my,looks like it's time to start hearing from the Rockford Rockettes again.(a misnomer since they haven't had a 'rocket' here since Macs Bullet boat).Oh well,they can't have it all I guess-skirts,megaphones and Pom Poms will have to do.
Is there any good news here? Yes, Jeff and Tim are back and Sully isn't.
Well I'll survive somehow,lock the doors,nail down the lures in my boat,send all females back home for a week(any species),don earmuffs-the usual survival precautions.
This too shall pass.

06-14-2011, 07:26 AM
It's so heartwarming to see old buddies reunited. :)

Can't wait to see this burlap carpet rolled out. 'Til now, it's only been the stuff of legend. What steely eyed Muskie men have previously trod upon the sacred albeit abrasive material? How many generations of mayflies and missing gloves have been ground into it by their passing?

My heart's all a flutter.

17 Illini. My oh my! :)

06-14-2011, 11:01 AM
Can't wait to get back up there. There's nothing like LOTW. Plus I figured I had to get back up for our 10th season since we started this outing in 2002. Unfortunately, I've been sent to the "Ole Gummers" cabin. I do have a bunch of gray hairs since I was there last but that's no excuse for having to stop fishing at 4:00 to get in for dinner. The night bite is now at 6:00, I hear. I'll have to sneak out after they all go to bed and hit a few spots before/after sunset.

As for Sully not coming up, I'll be sure to keep his traditional moon rise going for him.

Let the games begin!


06-19-2011, 10:03 AM
Got the Rocknockers installed on the trailer yesterday in preparation for Manitoba's gravel. Trailer wheels will get aligned this week in preparation for the long run up I-29.

It will be good to get started northwards in just a few weeks.

06-26-2011, 08:55 PM
I have three goals every year. 1) Catch fish. 2) Don't lose a bait. 3) Don't get hurt.

Last year was my best year. I achieved two of my three goals, setting personal bests in the process. Maybe this year I can hit the trifecta. See you all soon.


06-27-2011, 08:02 AM
Wally...if you're not losing baits then you ain't fishing hard enough. You have a great teacher for losing baits, too, with Jerry O. He's the king and the recipient of the first Doinkie Award. That is the award for the guy getting stuck in the rocks the most and giving the little twitches on his rod that make the "doink, doink, doink" noise when trying to get his lure free from the rocks. 2 out of 3 should be your goal...catch fish and don't get hurt.

06-27-2011, 04:24 PM
A few sacrificial lures to appease those moody Muskie Gods never hurts anything IMHO. I know guys who go so far as to hang TopRaiders in trees. (trees on shore, not in the water.)


06-28-2011, 10:17 AM
Two out of three ain't bad as long as No. 1 is one of the two. I don't mind taking one for the team if a big fish is the prize.

Muskie Junkie
07-06-2011, 07:54 AM
Well it is (3) more days until the Flatlander Invasion. We are all getting those final items to make our trip an enjoyable one. Can we get an update on water level, weeds, and water temperature? Sure would go a long way with keeping our PMA up. NETim, I am sure you are wondering some of the same things. DP, any update on your boat?


07-06-2011, 08:14 AM
I heard he's sporting new E-technology! Thank god he didn't go with the Merc that can be heard round the lake. Now he can sneak around the lake quiet as a church mouse.

07-06-2011, 12:11 PM
Hi.Hectic times-barely recovered from Op M yet.Yes,new E-Tec but already have some issues.Missed another day or two.
Fishing this week surprisingly tough all considered.You guys as usual will likely hit it right.Warm,consistent weather needed and here now and continuing.Surface temps in mid to high 60s in the morning to low 70s in the afternoon-but slowly gaining.I have been doing my morning thing=zero.Its small windows afternoons and evenings now for the most part.Suspect thats a function of water temps.Lake has been going down,massive mayfly hatch,and other assorted theoretical culprits but all changing for the better now.Be thankful you aren't here this week.
See you all soon-I'm the guy with the red boat and the 8HP Yamy.

07-06-2011, 02:34 PM
Hmmm.... still, I'm betting someone shakes their head and sadly tells me "Shoulda been here last week." It just wouldn't be a complete trip if I didn't hear that at least once during the week. :)

Weather forecast for the upcoming week looks too good to be true.

Thanks for the update Dick.

See ya all soon!

07-10-2011, 07:29 PM
Frank, It would be nice if you could keep us updated on their catches from time to time as the week goes on. didn't make it again this year but the bookeeper (wife ) said maybe next year. Thanks in advance. Dick estes aka "52" inch dick.

07-10-2011, 08:39 PM
Lots of follows etc but only 2 fish yesterday.Both by Steve R.Hopefully much better today.Storm hitting as I type.

Frank Walsh
07-10-2011, 10:21 PM
I know Stu scored today. Guided by Ruhmmy of course. Not everyone is in yet, so there' still hope.

s grabow
07-10-2011, 11:05 PM
we are doing good here.8 fish in the boat today.jason with a 46.5 4 small fish and 4 upper30s dave and chris are curently being smugled by indians up the rainy river.what sizes where the flatlanders fish ?

07-11-2011, 06:58 AM
Good luck Flatlanders (wish I was there :( ) ...watch out for the red boat with the yammy... he's totally out of control.

s grabow
07-13-2011, 07:56 AM
whats going on with the flatlanders ? We are doing well here lots of fish seen and some finding the net 7 in camp yesterday from 33.5 to 45.5 a few hooked and lost.

Muskie Junkie
07-20-2011, 07:14 AM
The Flatlanders have returned from our 10th Annual trip on LOTW staying at the Bay Store Camp. Fishing was a little slower this year but all (16) members in attendance caught at least (1) fish. Our total # of Lunge was (51). Longest release went to Dave Jack with a 48 incher. Jeff Blanck had the most points for the trip totaling 107 points. We had (25) of the (51) fish measuring over 40 inches. Of these, (9) of the Esox were 45 inches or bigger. Friday was our best day with a total of (13) fish caught. Jerry Oestreich boated the biggest Pike at 40.5 inches. The most team points went to Dave Jack and Chris Riebe with a total of 168 points. The weather was sunny and warm but as usual over the full moon we had days of 15 - 20 MPH winds. We had only (1) day when it threatened to rain, but the sky's cleared by noon. I again want to thank Laura and Frank Walsh of the Bay Store for taking care of us and making our visit an enjoyable one.
Steve Ruhmann :cool:

07-20-2011, 03:52 PM
It was nice to see familiar faces again. Frank, Laura, DP, thanks for the good time. LOTW is a place you can't get out of your blood so it was nice to get my fix again. NETim, it was nice to put a face to a name. Nice meeting you. Steve, thanks for organizing the trip again this year. Nice job. Frank, thanks for distracting Steve long enough to get the deer leg in his sandwhich. I would have liked to see his face when he found it. Also, thanks for the use of the batteries, butt seat and bow light. Quite a shop-o-stuff you have up there.

Lots of bear sightings this year. I know of 4 different instances when one of the group saw a bear. I was actually able to get very close to the mother and 2 cubs since the wind was not blowing toward her. From what I hear, she should have been able to smell me anyways...I don't know why, though.

Odd thing happened Thursday...a loon not only followed my Cowgirl but we actually watched it hit the bait three times during the retrieve. I tried to reel it as fast as I could to get it away from the following bird, but it kept hitting the bait causing it tp flounder each time. Luckily it didn't get hooked. It looked like a milk jug darting back and forth from side to side, each time striking the bait...wierd.

It was nice fishing with Harvey and I was able to catch two fish on spots he showed me. Thaks Harbey. He didn't act like an old gummer and kept throwing hard the whole time. Ted, it was nice to fish with you Sunday. We laughed the whole day. Even caught a fish. Don't tell Gene ALL my spots even if you have already fished them.

Can't wait 'til next time.


07-20-2011, 08:02 PM
I am hoping to make it next year. No promises (so you may still be in luck DP) but want it in a bad way. Could be Team Hareball again. Miss ya Frank (and that other guy too). Sully

07-20-2011, 09:57 PM
It pains me to say this but perhaps you should come back.After all,I'd like to see for myself if you've aged as much as Jeff,Steve and others mentioned.On the other hand,if you do return,please leave your sick fetishes at home.Frankly the things those guys told me you engage in are revolting.
Your friend from far away.(thankfully)

07-21-2011, 12:09 AM
Thanks for the Spot DP!

07-21-2011, 04:40 AM
OK spider legs,if you come back I may take you to a big fish spot.

07-21-2011, 08:38 AM
That saddle there Sully I remember years ago leaving that spot slowly saying I know there is a rock out here some where "TINK" oh there it is. LOL Seen many nice fish in there .

07-21-2011, 02:45 PM
That's actually where Harvey got his fish last week. Old reliable spot.

07-21-2011, 03:36 PM
You are partly accountable for 'Spider Legs' getting to that spot(by the way,his pic 'backgrounds' omit only map directions and neon signage).Had it not been for you,he would never have seen it.A very sad day for that spot.:(

07-21-2011, 08:16 PM
I remember the first time we fished it...fish were stacked in there like cord wood. None were awake, though. Made for a good name. I take that back...there was one awake that blew up on your bait way in the back. You made comment on the fish. That was a good day!

07-24-2011, 09:24 PM
Hey! It was good to meet you all. You guys weren't nearly as wild as I was led to believe.

We had a good trip. The fish weren't very cooperative but we did see some nice ones.

And yes, thanks Frank and Laura for another great week.

07-25-2011, 02:08 PM
This year was little laid back compared to many years. The party cabin has not been the same since the Musky Gods dropped a tree on it a couple years ago. Personnaly, I had to tone down a little...what with me staying with the gummers, doah! No offense guys. I sure ate good but the 3:30 PM dinners sucked and lights out by 7:30 was tough. The sun was still up and they yelled at me to turn off the lights. What the heck could I do?!!! So I went fishing!

PS. Tim you've got a smudge on your boat...you better get that cleaned up right away (cleanest boat I ever saw!!!) Hope to see you again up there.


07-25-2011, 05:31 PM
He may have the cleanest,but I have the neatist.Everything is in its proper place at all times.Just in case.

And jeff,look in the mirror,time flies and there's a reason you are in the 'gummer' cabin.You're no longer a spring chicken like me.

07-25-2011, 06:00 PM
This year was little laid back compared to many years. The party cabin has not been the same since the Musky Gods dropped a tree on it a couple years ago. Personnaly, I had to tone down a little...what with me staying with the gummers, doah! No offense guys. I sure ate good but the 3:30 PM dinners sucked and lights out by 7:30 was tough. The sun was still up and they yelled at me to turn off the lights. What the heck could I do?!!! So I went fishing!

PS. Tim you've got a smudge on your boat...you better get that cleaned up right away (cleanest boat I ever saw!!!) Hope to see you again up there.


Heh... it's still our baby. I don't think I broke 35 MPH on the Angle roads. :)

The secret is some kind of handmade German secret wax. Can only apply it in a new moon phase and only using cyalume lightsticks held no closer than 4' to the surface.

But I'm beginning to think all that shininess repels Muskies. :( :)

07-25-2011, 07:02 PM
DP - I can tell I'm not a spring chicken any more. There were a couple waves we hit that made me think I broke a hip, just like a gummer. That's OK, though, I'll keep kickin!

Your boat?! Neat?!!! I thought there was a rummage sale going on at Bay Store when I got there. Then when I found out it was your boat, I thought you were airing out the new baits you got at the Kenora bait shop before you used them...but then I saw the boat that way every day...when you were done fishing...and BEFORE you went fishing! The Jaws movie pops into my head, "... we're gonna need a bigger boat!"

Tim - I found the faster you go on the gravel roads, the faster the rocks bounce off and they don't have time to ding or scratch. Works every time. I figured you must have come up with some concoction for the wax finish. I was stumped by your Seafoam/Stabile/mystery item mix you have. It does work great though as I switched your bottle of that with Lord Calvert from Ruhmann's bottle when you weren't looking and my boat never ran better. I trust your boat ran OK on Thursday??? (I was going to use the term, "ran like a raped ape" but I didn't want to hurt dp's feelings)

07-25-2011, 08:50 PM

Special brew for the dainty Opti's. Seafoam/Marine (blue) Stabil/Merc QuicKleen... supposed to help keep the plugs and injectors from carbon'ing up. Looks like AquaVelva when it's freshly mixed. After a week or two, it looks like 12 y/o scotch. :)