View Full Version : Operation Muskie 2011

06-17-2011, 01:09 PM
It's only 1 week until the 2011 version of Operation Muskie kicks off!

Please visit the Operation Muskie website for daily updates and pictures during the event!

Staff and guides have a 12noon meeting on Sunday the 26th.

Veterans arrive on Monday, June 27th and stay until Friday, July 1st.

The vets will be greeted in Warroad by a veterans color guard and treated to a kick-off breakfast. They will then be escorted to the border by motorcycle Patriot Guards! After arriving at the Northwest Angle a short time later, they'll load up and boat out to Baystore Camp.

A getaway with some awesome fishing and even better camaraderie will follow...providing a tangible "thank you" to this year's group of 20 veterans.

06-18-2011, 08:13 PM
Thanks to all who put this together and put in time and effort to make this happen.

Most of all, THANK YOU VETS!!!

06-21-2011, 04:51 PM
Helped Frank,Laura and Bret with a food delivery today.Everyone is eating GOOD at Op M4!!!!!However,its with a sad,heavy heart that I have to announce somehow the ice cream bar box was lost or misplaced in transit.Hopefully it will show up but I'm doubtful.

06-21-2011, 05:17 PM
Something tells me I know which freezer to look for it in.

06-22-2011, 08:45 PM
Good news!!!The weather forecast has changed for the better.More sun and warmer temps-EXACTLY what we need!Also more food and all the beverages showed up today.Unfortunately I wasn't able to duck the heavy labor part as I usually do but am confident all guides and staff not present today will voluntarily contribute to the Dick Pearson Chiropractic Relief Fund so...no sweat.(if they don't I think it only fair that we assess such costs against all staff who hold rank above Lt Colonel.)
The bad news?Well the missing ice cream has not turned up but I located an empty wrapper today so it's possible,not likely but possible,it could still turn up.I was partly rewarded for my efforts today though when our fearless leader,feeling sorry for me having no boat and moping around I suspect,took me out fishing for a few hours.Why is that in the 'bad news' category you ask?Well because he's loosing his touch-it took him about 24 minutes to position me to catch a muskie.:-)
Travel carefully all and see you soon!

06-23-2011, 08:35 PM
Heheheheh... the best things in life never change. :)

06-26-2011, 07:24 PM
Well its real close now.Most of the prep work is done,we've had the guides/staff final meeting,all the Vets goodies have been sorted out and the big event starts tomorrow.Hopefully all the Vets are safely in Warroad this evening and awaiting the big day ahead of them tomorrow.
Fishing has been a bit slow but hopefully on the uptick.Our Vet Coordinator got things rolling with a big,fat 49.75 inch pig so all the guides have their adrenaline flowing.The guides as usual are tremendous.I know this cause it only took two of them to put me on a beauty today.Yes indeed,I scored big time.Todd Forcier and Norm Wild pooled their talents and took me out for 2 hours this morning before our final meetings.Heck I scored easily despite being buried in the back of the boat behind two fast casters doing their best to strain the water in front of me.As soon as it hit I knew it was a good one.At boatside I called it a solid 48 but while they are good guides,they both clearly are visually challenged since they insisted it was closer to 34.Jealousy is an ugly thing!!!
Stay tuned cause Mike(Lambeau)I'm sure will start his daily reports soon.
Boatless but still dry on Oak Island.

06-26-2011, 09:27 PM
Looked like things where under control at Bay Store. Betsy was there, so Dick won't be able to mess up too much. Lots of great donations from many folks. Many-many thanks.

We fished around two hours after our visit (thunder/lightling stuff arrived). Boated two, lost another and saw several more. Looks like the Vets should have some great action.

Doug Johnson

06-27-2011, 06:46 AM
Best of luck to all involved!

06-27-2011, 02:34 PM
we're under way!
reports and pictures available here: http://www.operationmuskie.com/OM%20Forums/

06-28-2011, 11:49 PM
Things are going well: everyone's having fun, the weather's good, and the fish are starting to get cooperative!

Updates are posted: http://www.operationmuskie.com/OM%20Forums/

06-30-2011, 06:54 AM
great fishing on Wednesday - lots of fish caught including some big ones! (pics are posted on the OM forum)
weather's the same for the final day today...hopefully more vets will say hello to Ms. Muskie!