View Full Version : Nite Bite "unofficial" results

Rob VanGorder
06-17-2011, 10:00 PM
22 Members hit the water tonight at 6 PM for the Nite Bite Outing. Mother Nature took over about 7:30 PM and sent everyone to the nearest docks. Very scary stuff. By 10 PM or so the lightning had not stopped and even the die-hards waiting it out at the ramps decided to call it a night.

There were two fish caught before the storm. Since we won't all get back together at midnight as planned and don't know if anyone was planning to come back late, we'll call these results unofficial in the event there are fish caught not yet reported to George. We'll update the results if we get any late reports considering the circumstances.

The winner of the infamous "invisible plaque" this year looks to be Mike Stumph with a 34.25".

Dan Walker caught a 32.25" right before the storm hit.

Congrats to both.

Mark Steinert
06-18-2011, 06:38 AM
Congrats to the winners. Hope everyone made it out safe.

JetBoat George
06-18-2011, 07:03 AM
That was a wild night. I "rode the storm out" at the marina...bummer the restaurant was closed. The winds were swirling like the ocean. Glad to hear your safe John...just a bruised boat....wow. The other drama was 4 teen girls rented a paddle boat and had cleared the marina harbor just before the storm hit...they made it back safe, only lost one shoe....crazy.