View Full Version : Report for 6-19-2011

06-20-2011, 07:57 AM
Hi everyone,

The Walleyes are still a tiugh bite, but every thing else is cooperating very well. Guided a Father-son for a full day yesterday and we could not find a Walleye willing to be caught. But we boated a total of 6 species of fish. We boated many Perch, Blugills,Crappie,Sm. Bass Lm. Bass, and Scott caught his first ever Musky. All while fishing for Walleye. We jigged with leeches most of the day and in the evening we threw crank baits. Scott caught his Musky on a small crankbait and 8# test line.

The weather started out with a heavy over cast with very little wind. Eventually, the clouds cleared out and it turned to partly cloudy with just a little breeze. In the afternoon the clouds came back with a very moderate NE wind which drove the air temp down. The water temp was at 71 degrees for most of the day

It was a lot of fun to guide Scott and his son Tyler on fathers day. I hope all you Dads out there had an equally fun time with your family.


06-20-2011, 08:50 PM
Thanks Tom we had a great time, I managed 5 walleyes today with your tips and spots, and lost about a 4 pounder at the boat the same place Tyler did yesterday. Hopefully the weather holds off the rest of the week like it did yesterday.


06-21-2011, 08:22 AM
Good to hear Scott. As I sit here typing, it is thundering and lightning. Moved my guide job from today to Friday. It is supposed to storm most of the day. I don't want to bring people out in the lightning.

Keep fishing those spots. They are good Walleye areas as well as the occasional Bass and of course the Blugills. Keep me posted on how you are doing.


06-27-2011, 05:38 PM
We just got home after deciding to stay 2 extra days, I managed to catch about 25 walleyes for the week biggest was 16" and there was only about 3 or 4 days that I could find them. We caught alot of crappie and about 10 perch that were 11" and alot between 8-10" and a bunch of bluegill. I ended up with 5 largemouth 1 was 16" the rest were about 10", many smallmouth between 10" and 16". The days we couldnt find the walleyes we fished for pike alot of the time and caught probably 40-50 biggest was 24" smallest around a foot, no more muskys but my wife landed a catfish around 4 1/2 lbs. We had a great week even though there were a few days where I wasted alot of gas trying to fish between storms. Good luck fishing, Thanks alot. Hope I can get up there more than just once this year.


06-28-2011, 07:12 AM
Hi Scott,

Sounds like you had a good week. The Walleyes are still a tough bite but persistence is paying off. I have to work hard to find them, but have managed to find some every time out. Of course every thing else is biting good. Never a dull day when you can catch 4-7 species of fish in one day. Thanks for the report and I hope you can make it back up yet this year. One week on the Big Chip is just not enough.
