View Full Version : June 17th-20th report

Ty Sennett
06-21-2011, 07:30 AM
Gotta make this quick..................fishing has been good and bad. We have had some shots at big fish but not landed them. One really nice one seems to haunt me most. We've been catching lots of small ones in the twenty inch range. Great to see those coming up behind the big ones for the future.

Gotta go,

06-21-2011, 11:10 PM
Gotta make this quick..................fishing has been good and bad. We have had some shots at big fish but not landed them. One really nice one seems to haunt me most. We've been catching lots of small ones in the twenty inch range. Great to see those coming up behind the big ones for the future.

Gotta go,

i will be heading up this weekend with my wife and sister in law to try for my wifes first flowage musky! we have a place at r and r. she has lost some nice fish but has been snake bit thus far. any suggestions or tips? i hear you recommend ghosttails? ( i am currently trying to talk her into booking you for a day!)

Ty Sennett
06-23-2011, 06:56 AM
Ghosttails are a good start. It's been hard to find a pattern lately. Topwater has been showing us some big fish also. Try a little of both and you might just run into soome fish.

06-29-2011, 08:45 AM
Ty, thanks for another great day and night on the water on June 19th. Our fathers day tradition of me landing a muskie might be annoying to Danny and Michael, but so be it! We would like to book for next year. Maybe we can do Saturday June 16th Noon-dark? The boys want a rematch on the basketball court also. Michael scored 19 points in his last tournament of the spring season on Saturday. Bring your A game.

Ty Sennett
06-30-2011, 07:43 AM
Got you down. Call me in December to confirm. Tell the boys I took it easy on them. I'm making a trophy case to have a permanent home for the traveling trophy.

Have a good summer,