View Full Version : Report for 6-26

06-27-2011, 06:20 AM
Hi everyone,

Guided Rob and his 10 year old son David on Sunday. The fishing was extremely slow in the morning. We only could scrounge up a few Blugills when Rob caught a dandy SM. Bass. After a quick photo we released it for someone else to enjoy catching. After lunch we found a spot that was holding Walleyes. A deep woody spot. We caught 4 Walleyes between 15"-17" and lost a few more with a few perch and Blugills mixed in. The next spot I had a good fish on that I figured was a Walleye only to have the jig come flying out of the water by the boat. After catching a number of Blugill and Perch which we released most of, and I measured some at almost 9 inches, we went crank bait fishing in the weeds. Rob and I both caught a dandy Northern before calling it a day just before dark.

The weather started out bright sunny with some strong winds gusting from the south east. After lunch the wind died down and swithched from the south west. A heavy cloud bank then moved in threatening to rain. That is when the fishing picked up. After a few hours, the wind switched back to south east and the sun returned. Accordingly, the fishing slowed. All in all tho, a good day to be on the water.

10 year old David was a joy to have out in the boat. Even when the fishing was slow, he remained positive and never gave up hope. He turned out to be the best net man a guy could have. He expertly netted all the Walleyes and notherns. I had forgotten what a fun time it is to take children fishing. I have to look up the answers to a lot of questions he asked so next time I can answer them. I forgot how many questions a 10 year old can ask. He got me prepared for what to expect when my Granddaughter grows up. Thanks David. Good luck fishing everyone.
