View Full Version : St. Clair Can Am results

06-27-2011, 10:10 PM
We had 79 people sign up to fish the Ray Demers Can Am at Lake St Clair.

1st, Kody Dickson, 53.5"
2nd, Doug Grahl, 50.5" Central Ohio
3rd, Margaret Pauling, 50" Central Ohio
4th, Mike Yerman, 49.5" Three Rivers
5th, Ben Sommers, 49.5" Central Ohio

Youth Division, Kody Dickson 53.5"
Chapter Challunge winner, Central Ohio

The wind was brutal on Saturday morning, and some went out and stayed out. The wind subsided some by late morning and kept decreasing all afternoon. It was calm by 5 pm. When I tallied the fish turned in, I noticed that many of the bigger fish were caught between 5:30 pm and 7 pm on Saturday. There was definitely a window for big fish right there.
There were 14 legal fish(44"+) caught.
Other Central Ohio folks who caught legal fish;
Chuck Wilbert, 47"
Tim Graber, 45"

Fishermen donated 1300 cans of Food items for the Lakeshore Food Bank.
The Saturday Pig roast lunch was the best one so far, everything was very good.
The weather was great on Sunday and we finished off the remaining pork roast at the Awards ceremony.
There were many fish caught in the 30-40" range.
Manny Farley couldn't attend due to health problems and we sure missed him being there.
I want to thank all our Canadian friends, especially Bruce and Anita Bauer, who helped Manny and I make this happen. We couldn't have done it without their help.
I will post some pictures when I get them.

Mark Steinert
06-29-2011, 04:07 AM
Congrats to the winners. It was a great tournament as usuall. We landed alot of fish but not enough to get on the board.
Most of the fish are really healthy. I think those 25 inch little rockets that we all caught last year are going to be giving us alot of
fun the next few years. Great job everyone.