View Full Version : June 27th and 28th report

Ty Sennett
06-29-2011, 06:39 AM
On the 27th we fished from 8:00AM to 5:00PM and man did we get soaked. While getting soaked we caught one low thirty inch fish and lost a mid thirty inch muskie both on Pacemakers. We had two other follows and both went around in the figure eight but didn't commit. Both were nice fish. We had to pull up to an island for a little while. I had another evening trip and we had it a little tough. Cold north winds kept the fish down. I think we had one hit Jodi's and my bait but we couldn't hook up. Might have been a northern also but the head shake felt more muskie like. That was it for the night.

Yesterday we did a half day trip in the morning and at the third spot Gordon had one fly in on his Pacemaker and turn off. The next thing we new the fish was hooked in the figure eight. It got off due to plain old shock. I didn't think that thing was going to come back and hit that fast but it did. At noon I started another trip. We had a mid forty inch fish follow a Ghosttail. It looked like it was going to hit in the figure eight but it didn't. I caught one other low thirty inch fish and we had several others on that we said were definitely muskies or at least that's what we were going to tell ourselves to feel better. We even stopped and did a little crappie fishing for a while, turned in early, then had some Treelands pizza. Not bad.

Good luck,

07-03-2011, 08:49 PM
Hey Ty, nice chatting with you briefly at Treelands. I was the guy who mentioned my sister pulled up a 27" fish the previous day. I'm definitely going to try and get something on the calendar for next year with you. We are going to be coming up again starting June 23rd. Maybe we can get something on the calendar early in the week if you are around. Cheers