View Full Version : Report for 6-28-2011

06-29-2011, 09:39 AM
Hi everyone,

Fished most of the day and early on caught very little. Mostly Blugills and small Perch. In the afternoon it picked up. I found a spot that was producing Walleyes and kind of hung there awhile. I don't usually do that because I like to move and find more productive spots so when I have a client I go to the good spots first and often.

I kept one Walleye and then kept throwing the second one back so I could keep legaly fishing for Walleyes. Wound up throwing about a half dozen back. Of interest I caught a Walleye that I measured at 8"! I caught a few more that were around 12"-13". Actually good to see some smaller Walleyes. Also caught a ton of blugills and some small Perch and a couple of SM. Bass. All on jig and leech and a bobber setup with a leech.

The weather in the morning was mostly over cast but cleared to mostly sunny in the afternoon. The wind remained fairly moderate the whole time from the Northwest. The clearing skies actually made for better fishing. The water temps are right at 69-71 degres. Been there for a few days now.

The bug hatch is still on and will be for probably untill the middle of august. They are actually hatching the whole open water season, but not real heavy untill the warmer water sets in. the bug hatch seem to peak in August. I think we will see a better weed Walleye bite when that occurs. Now all the fish are keying in on the insect larvae. it's a bonanza that the fish can't resist. The bugs are in the deeper soft bottom areas, so to catch Walleyes consistently right now, fish there. Drifting over deep boggy snaggy areas should produce. Or anchor over the submerged snaggy areas and use a slip bobber rig and jigging rod to fish the area thouroughly. I have been fishing weed areas toward the evenings to see if Walleyes are migrating there. So far just Northerns and a musky with that pattern. But they have been nice Northerns.

If any one needs help on how to locate the deep water soft bottom snaggy areas and the tricks and techniques that I successfully use to catch Walleyes from those spots, I have lots of openings yet thru July and August. You are welcome to bring along a hand held GPS unit to record the spots for future reference. Good luck fishing everyone.
