View Full Version : Anglers fined for over bagging on the Chippewa Flowage

07-07-2011, 10:16 PM
Hi everyone,

Saw an article in the Sawyer County Record that 10 of the 13 crooks arrested last year for over bagging well over 2000 Panfish were finally fined in Sawyer County Circuit Court. The fines ranged from a low of $588 to a high of $1100. If they pay their fines in a certain time they will lose their fishing priveliges for only a year.

It was in my opinion just a slap on the wrist. They're probably all down at the tavern laughing it up.
They'll spend more on their beer in a month. This certainly is not a deterent at all. The leader of the group is a minister in Milwuakee. How can he keep a straight face during his services? How can any minister in Milwuakee be considered legit when they have one like this in their midst? I think they should clean up their ranks. Just my opinion!


Good guy
07-08-2011, 07:38 AM
I heard about this incident from the resort owner where we stay. They literally had a full pontoon boat of people fishing. They had coolers full of fish; the pictures disgusted me.

I fish the Flowage every spring and we typically do very, very well. This last spring was no exception. In fact, one day I caught 80 crappies in about 4 hours but only kept around 15; all over 10.5 inches. Everything else was thrown back. People need to view all wildlife on the Flowage as a resource that we must sustain - without it, it is just a body of water.