View Full Version : River Report

Red Childress
07-10-2011, 12:26 PM
The year of the follow is the best way to describe my boat's success thus far. Lot's of nice fish located and following but getting them on the hook has been tough. Up until 2 days ago, we were moving multiple fish on a daily basis and catching one here and there. The past 2.5 days have been brutal with only 3 fish moved but all 3 of them were mid-40's with one being closer to 48 which we hooked and lost 2 days prior after a nice half-backflip from under the boat.

We even switched to a split day schedule while only fishing the morning and evening shifts. The evenings have been much more productive which is not saying much since the net has not been slimed since last Tuesday. It would be nice to have a weather change soon......these bluebird skies have not been cooperative lately for the muskies.

I did a few walleye trips last week and we limited out 2 of 3 days with most of our action occurring between 11am and 3pm. Go figure.

I am also seeing plenty of baitfish in the 20-mile stretch below the dam.

Good Luck!

07-11-2011, 09:48 AM
I've had 2 trip so far this year that was all about the follow. I couldn't even get them to go into the 8 before they flashed away. I abandoned the Fly gear for conventional and was still having the same issue with the followers. After throwing my whole tackle box at them, my arms and shoulders were beat. I looked in my box for the easiest bait to throw cause my body just couldn't take much more. I grabbed a bucktail with a single #6 blade and started burning it as fast as I possibly could. Wouldn't you know it, those fish started drilling that thing. I also ended up landing my PB Pike that was around 40". They also liked regular Bulldawgs being burned thru the water too. It just seemed that is was all about speed. I'm sure you guys tried the speed thing too, it was just my first experience with this type of situation. I swear those fish followed just about EVERYTHING we threw at em but wouldn't commit. I had more follows on one of those trips than I had all of last season. Its fun to see some fish but downright frustrating when the follows get into double digits. LOL

07-12-2011, 12:21 PM
I was having a very good year up until the fourth of July Weekend both in PA and NY, several nice fish boated and my PB carp. Just shy of 35lbs and ate a home made Hawaiian Punch boilie. Saturday the 3rd, Sydney and I launched the boat and the very first cast, we had this musky in the boat. Fished 20 minutes when things turned bad for my wife's family and I have not been out since. Planning to start back up this weekend.1405114052

Joe M
07-14-2011, 01:40 AM
cband..whats up. Nice picture with the kid. I got a 30" and a 38" with my daughter last week. I saw a nice fish and went back to days later and got it on a 10" Hellhound. It was 45" and real thick. She missed that day. Everything has been fast. the 30" was trolling at 5.3to5.5 and working baits fast while casting. Dont give them time to think just eat!!!