View Full Version : 2011 Youth Event Catfish Frenzy

07-15-2011, 10:26 AM
Wow, I think one of the Columbus area Parks and Recreation individuals had the best quote last night. He said the kids were going to have a warped sense of what fishing was really like because they had such a blast last night. They had constant fish action, adults standing by to bait their hooks, a brand new rod and reel to fish with, hot food and cold drinks all night on demand and fish to take home to mom. I'm not sure what got into the catfish, last year was good fishing, this year was crazy good. I think the kids caught all 275 catfish at least once.

I really want to thank the members who showed up to help and Rob, Tom and the guys who helped pull it all together. New members who attended found out we weren't lying about how great an event this is for the club.