View Full Version : Fish Cribs

07-17-2011, 10:54 AM
Does anyone have GPS numbers for the fish cribs in the flowage? I was able to find the walleyes with no problem, but I would like to catch some pan fish and figure the cribs would be my best bet, but so far I have only been told there are some out in the flowage and "you have to look for them". Considering the size of the flowage and cost of fuel that could be quite the undertaking.

thanks if you can share.

I'll be back for the first two weeks of August-- see you on the water.

07-23-2011, 05:14 PM
I think that may be a closely guarded secret!

07-24-2011, 05:01 AM
I think the key to finding out where the cribs are is to show up for one of the crib building activities in the winter. Last I heard, volunteers were given a map. I always try poking around stumps with a worm / minnow and bobber this time of year for panfish. They don't have to be deep either. A foot of water will do.

Rich P

07-24-2011, 09:08 AM
You can get a general area of cribs by asking at the Flambeau Flowage Sports bait shop. They will get you in the general visinity which will narrow down your search. While looking for the cribs, your gonna find other interesting structure to fish. The easiest way to get some crib locations is to hire a guide. Jerry, Don, or Doc would be my choice.

07-26-2011, 08:53 PM
I will be back up there from Tampa this weekend. For now I can only make a few trips, but next year we hope to be full time in the summer--- sorry I can not be there to help build cribs in the winter - I just can not take the cold anymore. I am getting a map from the DNR that is supposed to include the cribs. Since this is a state agency a request through open records law works every time.

Right now I am in Richmond on business and it was 101 today so I can not wait to get back to the TFF.

CYA on the water!

jon malone
07-26-2011, 11:45 PM
DUDE,you suck, how can you have the balls to ask the people who work so hard on the cribs for free locations. READ HENNY PENNY and mabey you ll understand how it works. You tourist.
Sorry to the hard working men and women about the outburst, but these non helping people need to learn TEAM WORK GETS RESULTS. So tell them helpout to improve the fishing or sorry GFYS. WELL THANK YOU ALL, for all you do but DAMMIT to the beggers who do NOT WANT WORK dont give them locations for free give them NOTHING. WTF he s a slug! give GPS locations to TACO BELL


07-27-2011, 08:55 AM
Our fish cribs are built to protect the fish for the future. Was not intended to be fished out before it's time.

Mark Benson
07-27-2011, 11:23 AM
jon malone:

With all due respect, Thanks for the support of our fisheries, but that type of outburst is not necessary... He's not in a prime location to be able to help build cribs and asked for help which is what these boards are supposed to be about. He's been polite about it and found out on his own the info he needs with a little help from us. Good and safe fishing to all.


07-27-2011, 05:25 PM
Hey Mr. Malone

I hope to see you sometime. I am a tourist too. My family has owned property on a nearby lake since the 20's when it was all burned down; and pay property taxes to that and other pieces of property. My family are all tourists. We are only up there about 4 weeks a year each. I wounder how long those local business would survive with out our tourist dollars coming to the area for groceries, restaurants, bars, repair services, lumber yards, bait, cabin rentals for extra Friends and family etc:. You know how many people us tourists introduce to the area that continue to go up there one week at a time spending their money. Your little world up there with out tourist would wither and die. Look at the sprinstead area compared to 25 years ago or more. It was once a happening area thanks to tourists. Do you think you would help people have a more enjoyable time while they are there so they would come back. Get a brain. I guess you have A@#$% everywhere.