View Full Version : RFRG Outdoors Radio Update 7/17

Muskie Matt
07-17-2011, 06:11 PM
We have worked out our networking problem that prevented our streaming a live show last week. This evening we WILL be coming to you live from the Wild Eagle Lodge in Eagle River, WI. Listen in live at 7pm, find the player link on the bottom of our homepage or on our Rado page.

Joining us tonight is special guest Scott Samuels of the Headwaters chapter of Muskies Inc. Looks to be a great show this evening, for our live audience we have lure giveaways, a muskie rod to giveaway, and a bass rod! This evening, along with our usual freewheeling banter, we'll be talking about current summer fishing patterns in the area.

Muskie Matt
07-18-2011, 07:11 PM
Well, last week we had a networking problem within the resort that prevented our sending a signal out to the world, got that fixed and we were ready to tackle a great show... a big electrical storm had other ideas for us! Ok... regrouping today: Can you frickin believe it! Had the show up and running last night, special guest present, got into our show intro... and BANG! Lights Out! Un-freaking-believable! All I could do is shake my head and laugh. Going in today to make sure none of the equipment took a bad jolt... get er' up and running again. I'm going to run this show by gosh, RFRG never loses faith.

Mark Benson
07-19-2011, 10:15 AM
Keep at it Matt, I know with RFRG ingenuity you will "get'er done!!!" When are the Chiggers coming to town, oh that's right I think I remember something about this fall... am I right... Been busy since I last saw ya, computers is acting up so I can't get my RFRG fix and working Sunday night's so no visits from us to the west. Keep it up man, oh and my fishing... the walleyes won't leave me alone this summer, so that's been good, only ski fished once for a couple of hours.


Sid Chigger
07-19-2011, 11:04 AM
Arriving the Wed after Labor Day, Mark!

07-21-2011, 02:35 AM
Just ready to leave Sweetwater and head to Wild E when the power went out. Stayed out for about 3hrs.

Better luck next week

Muskie Matt
07-22-2011, 10:31 AM
You know I'll keep plugging away at it. I've got everything ready to go again this coming Sunday... special guest, a load of fishing stories from the past 3 weeks, lures to give away, even two fishin' rods to give away! We'll be there for ya... fish gods willing. HA!