View Full Version : Changing conditions - Saturday

07-21-2011, 03:56 PM
Hey Ty,

Heading up this weekend and was planning on fishing for muskies on Spider Saturday. I'm not sure what to make of these conditions. Are they considered cold front conditions? Going from 88 Friday to barely 70 on Saturday with 15 mph E winds and 50% chance of storms. At first was excited to be around for a weather change, but the forecast changed by 10 degrees in the negative over the past few days.

Cliche alert: Not looking for spots, per se, but if you've got any ideas of what the fish might do in a situation like this, would like to maximize time on the water. Weeds? Deeper? Big/small/fast/slow....



Ty Sennett
07-24-2011, 05:48 AM
Sorry Travis, I was out of town for a day so I missed your report.

Hope you did well. The weather was a little weird. Maybe it helped on Spider. We couldn't manage to move anything yesterday.

07-24-2011, 03:30 PM
No worries. My post was short notice as I didn't see a weather change like that coming until a few days out.

It was weird though, with the cold air, warm water, and strong winds it was a strange cold air/sauna type experience most of the morning.

Only moved one low 30" muskie on double 10s, but caught a 13" bass on a Pacemaker, so that was interesting.

