View Full Version : newbeee jon malone

07-28-2011, 10:49 PM
dear jon
since the other thread is closed i had to start a new one weather you see it or can read is another question, if fdog needs some help we all should support it because as a so called tourist and land owner been hittin the jewel since the late 70s i have seen more done more forgot more then you as a j-our member would hope to see and do . if you feel we will take over your cribs build more i was up there in may and i seen what the storms have done on the shorelines from last fall it will be good habitat but it will never be enough to the ones who had personal damage sorry for your loss and trouble .and now back to jon who thinks he just slam another member thats WRONG its members like you that i have a nickle for your thoughts. or should i say a sock full of nickles lol so if the members can relay a message to fdog i will give up a spot or two and im sure he wont fish it out with the size of the TFF come on guys its not the spot theres more to it then that . lets post it and see where it goes ,good fishin and huntin or what ever you get in to .GLTA ok [good luck to all] SS612

Flambeau dreamer
07-29-2011, 10:19 AM
Now take a deep breath.....calm down. You are gonna give yourself a heart attack. I've heard chanting helps....oooohhhhmmmmm.........ooohhhmmmmmm..... see, now don't you feel better?
How about using a comma-(,), or maybe a period-(.).

Now what were you ranting about?

07-29-2011, 12:21 PM
Don't post in the grip of bipolar disease.
Stay on your medications.

If somebody has a depth finder they can find, drops, stumps, and cribs
on the TFF without difficulty. Not rocket science, and no one needs to give
crib locations to anyone else. I find em all the time, not looking for them.

08-02-2011, 01:36 PM
Well I certainly did not want to cause any problem by asking for assistance. While I may be a tourist in some folk's eyes I can tell you that I used to live here, my relatives were some of the early settlers here and I paid a lot of money here in taxes and in purchases at local businesses.

I fish the Gulf of Mexico 9 months of the year and have hundreds of fishing spots marked by GPS that would take you years to locate in the gulf. If you came to "my neck of the woods" and asked for help just about everyone, including myself, would be glad to share the information with you. I am sorry that some folks are closed minded and hateful, I am here to enjoy my roots and give back to nature, not cause a problem for anyone.

Tight Lines

08-02-2011, 06:01 PM
I had the opposite/reverse experience regarding local fishing knowledge. I have lived in Sawyer County since the mid 70's. My spots are jealously guarded and will probably be in my final bequests. I now spend winters on the Laguna Madre around Pt Isabel, Tx.. Imagine my surprize when everybody was willing to share their fishing spots. I couldn't believe it, every sport shop and every fisherman will gladly support your fishing habit with great info. It's actually easy to understand.....they have tons of fish. Not only that but they have tons of fish that are on the feed all the time. They also have a law that prevents guides from contributing their limit to the client. Think about that one for awhile. Hmmm.