View Full Version : Dog/ Day fishing

Pan Fish
07-29-2011, 12:29 PM
Hey Rfrg , Have been fishing these Hot muggy day's lately with mixed result's , And the best set up has been the drop shot rig in 10 to 16 ft of water just barely in & outside the weed line's with a mixed bag of fish taking leech's or nightcrawlers . Using #4 or #2 Gamakatsu hook's & Bass pro finesse drop weight - between 1/8 & 3/16th or 1/4 if windy . Has been out producing slip bobber rig's 2 to 1 lately. for panfish . Or use wacky worms or gulp alive 3or 5 inch leechs for bass & walleyes . If you want a different tactic to use give the drop shot a try it's easy, just vertical jig it right off the side of your boat and hang on !!! good luck to ya fishing ! pan fish

Jeremy Hopland
07-29-2011, 01:19 PM
I don't want to hear about "dog days" in Wisconsin, we're in the midst of 30 straight days of over 100 degrees and just set a record high for an overnight low of 86 day before yesterday, with no real end in sight (come on October)! :mad:

We decided to give the Sand (White) Bass a try this morning, got to the lake right at sunup and were driven off the water by 10:30 because it was so friggin' hot. We did get into one good mess of fish early, had MANY doubles and quite a few triples between the three of us, so it was fun. Probably caught somewhere between 50 and 75 fish, but I did manage to tear up my prop on "something". Water level is 6' low right now and dropping every day, so I should have been more careful. Hopefully there will be some water left to drift for the big cats come November.

Good fishing...

Mark Benson
07-29-2011, 02:52 PM

That sucks on the prop!!! But the white bass fishing sounds like a ton of fun!!!

panfish, great idea on the drop shot rig, might have to give that a try, although I have been doing well on the main lake humps either jigging or using lighted slips...


Jeremy Hopland
07-29-2011, 03:42 PM
...and by the way, just so you don't think I'm whining too much, here's the 10-day forecast from weather.com:

98° 104° 107° 107° 107° 105° 104° 103° 103°

80° 81° 83° 83° 84° 82° 82° 81° 82°

(...and I'll believe the 98 when I see it!)

Texas sucks!!!

Jeremy Hopland
07-31-2011, 11:59 AM
It just keeps getting better!!! :mad:

108° 109° 108° 106° 106° 106° 104° 105° 105°

82° 84° 84° 83° 82° 82° 82° 81° 82°

...and it did make it to 100 yesterday. I knew that 98 was too good to be true!