View Full Version : Useful site for Middle Allegheny River

Red Childress
08-04-2011, 01:43 PM
I think I remember someone posting a USGS link on here before so this may be a repeat post. If you play with this site, you can find info for most all of the Allegheny River drainage.......flow levels, historical trends, temperatures, etc.

This link is specific to the Kinzua tailrace area. You can easily see how much fluctuation is occurring between the daytime and nighttime water temps.


08-05-2011, 10:08 PM
The temp swings are strange indeed. Water does not change temp all that easily so I'd expect the discharge from a lake to be a little more constant. Is the ACE doing something odd with the discharge this year? I've never seen the temp of the river go as high as it is this year. Maybe back in the 80's when we had a bad drought or when they were repairing the dam and there was a massive fish kill due to excessive nitrogen in the water from the power plant discharge if I recall.