View Full Version : Thanks to Andrew

08-04-2011, 02:15 PM
Seems like my week to thank people.Stuff like the following only happens in what Matt calls 'Dicks World'.
Leave early this morning and soon catch a beautiful 44 inch hybrid.It's at that point I realize my camera is in the cabin.Dam!!!Proceed on and catch about a 42,screw up a bunch,then the storm hits.Severe lightning.After it abates a bit I start home but make one last stop where I'd seen a '50' earlier.Yup,it hits and I net it.No Camera.About then i look and at the next island is a friend,Andrew(he posts monster pics on here regularly) from Manitoba.He comes over and we use his bumpboard to confirm its a 50,then with a fancy camera he takes pics which he'll be sending me shortly.As I'm washing off his bumpboard he cautions me my net looks close to falling in.I say its fine and 'secured' and that its my friend Matts cause I already lost mine this year.As I hand him his bumpboard back I hear a 'plop'.Yup,goodby Matts net.I see Andrew has floating markers and tell him to throw one.He does,we both put on Bulldawgs and start jigging and 10 minutes later he hooks Matts net.(Matt is lucky,face it):D
Anyway its 2 PM,after my naptime so off to bed but THANK YOU Andrew!!!

08-04-2011, 07:05 PM
Wow...what a week! How lucky was that to be able to snag the net. That had to be a great moment to hear him say..."I GOT IT!". I'll bet the laughs were great. The tiger would have been fun to get a photo of. And a 50 to boot! Wait...ANOTHER 50 to boot! Great reports. Please keep them coming.


08-05-2011, 01:22 PM
Your welcome Dick. I think a little thanks is in order for you as well though. To be able to witness "the good ole Dick Pearson net trick" first hand is something I will never forget (or stop laughing at, a couple times during the day I randomly burst out laughing at how that whole thing must have looked to anyone watching). Also a glimpse into "Dick's World" is something priceless. Great fish Dick, the head on it was big and that markings were awesome.

08-05-2011, 02:56 PM
Got the 2 pics Andrew,thanks much!Got em downloaded and renamed for my files instead of a download number but at that point my skills took over and i can't 'open' to reduce their size for posting.Nothing I shouldn't be able to figure out in a year or two but to be safe i also sent them home to the boss with a request for help.One way or another I'll get them here sometime.As usual,I obviously don't know how to 'hold' a fish but she's a pretty one and what a monster head.Too bad I didn't pose her right.Also,I now see why people laugh when I put on my new 'x large' Frog Togs'.Frankie may have lost his coveted title as the Michelin Man.

08-06-2011, 08:53 PM
Ok,finally got one resized and hopefully attached.Miserable 'hold' on a very nice fish.Too bad.Big head and fatter than it looks.Nice markings.