View Full Version : Aug. 13-18 Trip Report

08-21-2011, 12:57 PM
My 3rd annual trip was cut a little short with the happy occasion of returning home early to move my daughter into college. Great stuff. I greatly enjoyed the week as always. Got a 40 inch class fish in the boat in my first 30 minutes on the 13th. I was alone and it was feisty so I didn't risk measuring the fish with only a tape measure. I need a bump board. Luckily, a great guy, Chad, and his son came by and I got a good picture to post shortly. That was my second Chip musky. I got a 37" musky in June when a business trip brought me to the area. So 2 in one year after 0 for the last 2 years is tremendous. Surprisingly, I got both on swim baits. This one on a 6.5" yum money minnow on a 3/4 oz jig head. I can rip the single hook through weeds and had it hit right after going through some weeds off an East side island. Of course, I fished a lot of regular musky baits. I had a nice follow on a ghost tail and went out with a friend for a day (shout out to my man Nate) and he had a blow up on a stillwater on Pete's and lost another on the west side on a suick. Like others commented, weeds were not where they normally are except on Pete's. With the good weeds and high water, I thought they could be on top of Pete's and I fished it hard but got nothing. I am getting superstitious about all the boat traffic on Pete's hurting the fishing. I know I probably go during peak vacation time but this is the best week for my schedule. I also want to thank everyone for their input throughout the year. I decided on a new Calcutta based on opinions here. It was great but tough to move bucktails with speed. I thought my follow lost interest because I slowed down instead of speeding up at the end. Also, I want to send props out to all the guys who fish hard out there. I came to the Chip in pretty good shape. I have been able to workout and lift consistently this summer, but that still doesn't prepare you for 12 hours a day with musky gear. My arms were ok but the middle of my back was hurting pretty good at times. I definitely appreciate the toughness aspect of the sport. I look forward to hearing more reports and ideas and will figure out how to get the picture on.

08-21-2011, 01:25 PM
HSAM_0068.JPGere is a photo attempt. Will keep trying if it doesn't work.

08-22-2011, 10:25 AM
Adding Photo’s to a Post

To add a photo or more to a post click on the paper clip located on the first line on the tool bar. This will open a pop-up window called Manage Attachments. On the right side click on Add Files button Another window will appear called Upload Files from your Computer | Website to add a single picture or a few on the bottom of the window click on the Basic Uploader Link this will open a browse function to add pictures from your computer.

Hope this helps
