View Full Version : Kegonsa 09/14/11

09-14-2011, 01:05 PM
Fought the wind this am for three hours. Was running the side scan looking for anything unusual to dive on. Did find one boat laying in 20 FOW but between the boat being bounced around and the pathetic water clarity it was a complete waste of time trying to see it with the camera. Also found an area with a narrow rock ridge, and another area with boulders (I did drop the camera down here, but after banging into the boulders I pulled it out) and a big object of some kind (looks like a rock shelf). Water temp was 68°F. Did see a lot of schools of fish, but they were smaller schools then I've been seeing on the other lakes. Tons of larger fish close to the bottom, assume by their vast numbers they're carp. Spent most of the time in 12 to 24 FOW. Rick

Gene Dellinger
09-22-2011, 04:36 PM
Thanks for taking the time to keep us up to date with all of your findings.We really appreciate your efforts.