View Full Version : Thanks to all at AML

Todd S.
09-15-2011, 04:38 PM
Every time I sit in front of this computer I’m reminded of the trip of a lifetime at AML. My new father/son screensaver is priceless. The funny thing is I was going to put this trip off again this year. A good friend has been going the last few years and always comes back with fantastic stories of great fishing, incredible service, and an offer to join him the following year. I owe him a lot for that extra pressure to finally commit. It's so easy to justify being too busy or not wanting to spend the money. Well this was time money well spent! Some memories you just can't put a price tag on.
Everyone at AML was world class. From the time we pulled up to the dock we were treated like old friends. Steve's enthusiasm and love for the fishery is infectious. He keeps it straight forward and simple. There is no wasting your week learning how to or where to get on fish at AML. The very first night Steve hooked up my fourteen year old son and me with Spencer Berman for a shot at the lakes famed musky. We had only a couple hours of daylight, a large storm had just passed, and according to some it was a horrible moon phase so our expectations were low. Still, just having the chance to learn from a guide like Spencer who just received a crash course from Steve was something we were grateful for and excited about. Seeing a mid forties fish follow was a nice treat, catching my personal best @ 47” on a figure eight was awesome, but my son cracking the 50” mark a mere ten minutes later again on a figure eight was just plain amazing!!! Not to mention we had the hot patterns and techniques down the first day! That paid off later in the week with a couple more nice fish just throwing for a bit after supper. The average size of the musky we saw there was just crazy. I had a fish follow a figure eight three times or so that my son exclaimed "Oh my God dad, it looks like a shark!"
The majority of our trip was spent with the group hammering walleyes. Again we wasted no time getting on fish didn’t have to guess what was working. My first cast produced a two footer with fresh bite marks across her side. You just gotta love Eagle Lake! The walleye fishing was a blast and every once in a while someone would hook a nice pike that would provide a great battle. The guys put a little effort one afternoon for Lakers and my son was able to catch his first. Another day Danny took us out smallmouth fishing with nonstop action. Before we knew it the week was over without a single wasted day. That will be a week my son and I will never forget.
Thanks to all at AML for making our time there so enjoyable. I would highly recommend anyone considering a trip to AML to stop considering and start making memories!