View Full Version : Muskies Inc, Central Ohio Chapter Recognition

09-15-2011, 05:46 PM
A few weeks back, I received an email at work asking about what volunteer work I do - it was part of a solicitation to all leaders at Nationwide Financial (NF). I shared a few things including the Youth Fishing event that our chapter does each year. Anyway, the head of Nationwide's Volunteer Network gave a presentation yesterday to about 175 leaders at NF and he included Muskies, Inc., Central Ohio Chapter's Youth fishing event in the presentation. It contained our logo and a short summary of the event (88 kids, Columbus Parks and Rec, each kid received a fishing pole, etc).

Anyway, it was nice to see that we were selected to be part of this. Great Job to everyone who planned and attended this function!

Bob Sisson
09-21-2011, 04:39 AM
Very Cool Kevin! Maybe they will sponser the event next Year?