View Full Version : The Chip

fisher lake
09-19-2011, 12:39 PM
Having fished the Chip for nearly 30 years, but have not been there for the last 3, I am coming up this week hopefully for some Walleye. You have been posting the deep wood,would it be better to start on the west side or the east? I know the west side much better, and are the bogs up between the Bananas or still submerged. If we don't do any good wens. or thurs. Do you have any openings for Fri or Sat. I might be e-ming you Thurs Eve.
Thanks much,
Fisher Lake

09-19-2011, 01:20 PM
Hi Fisher lake,

If you know the west side better, I would suggest you start there. The bogs are still sunk exept the one east of Eagle Is. by syskos. The water is down a good two feet from full so be carefull. I know some guys who pitched cranks in the weeds Sunday and they caught small LGM Bass and snake Northerns. The Walleyes,Crappies,Blugills,and Perch are still out in deep wood. I hear from reliable sources that the Crappies are starting to move onto the cribs big time now. I saw lots of people fishing them. One crib in moores bay had a boat literally camped on it for three days now.

I have Sat. open if you would like to set up a trip for Walleyes. I could show you some of the better spots on the east side. You are welcome to bring along a GPS unit to lock in the spots for future use. Good luck fishing.
