View Full Version : Forgot Something

pete & andy
09-21-2011, 08:54 AM
Ty I left something at Treelands that I need by Thanksgiving.Laurie has it and if you could call me and get it to Whitey I could pick it up from his house......What top shelf does he drink???

Ty Sennett
09-22-2011, 07:08 AM
I got the message from Cheryle. You should look for your grill on ebay in the next few days. I wont charge you shipping. You know why I wont charge you shipping? Because gosh darn it I care about you guys.

Just kidding, I'll get it to Whitey. I don't know if top shelf is where you'd find his drink. It's more eye level.

Call me in early October to make sure I remember to get it to Whitey.