View Full Version : Sucker Fishing question.......

09-21-2011, 11:39 AM
Hey Ty,

When you are sucker fishing I know you throw artificials as well but do you use the trolling motor while you have the suckers out? Is that legal? I thought you couldn't use the trolling motor while you have suckers out or is there a certain way to comply to make it legal? I've only rowed while suckers are out.

Ty Sennett
09-22-2011, 07:15 AM
It kind of depends on what warden stops you. I've been stopped and been legal according to the warden. Some wardens really don't like the rule and some are sticklers on the grey area. Fact is, they could give you a ticket any time you have your trolling motor down with suckers out. Most say if you have your suckers straight down and not dragging them at a high rate of speed you are fine. Others will ticket you on the spot.

Basically it's a grey area that needs to be cleaned up because it's a legal nightmare for the wardens.