View Full Version : Trip Report 10/9 to 10/14

10-18-2011, 10:04 PM
I want to preface this by sharing with you that I have been fortunate to have experienced more then thirty different lodges and camps in Canada. Here is my take on AML:
We had the opportunity to fish at Andy Myers Lodge for our first time last week. This was the Ultimate Fall Musky Week. The lodge and cabins were beyound clean and were cleaned and supplied with fresh towels each day. Our meals were all homemade and hit the spot before and after fishing. The lunches supplied each day were more then we could eat and very diverse from day to day. The staff went out of their way to make sure that everyone was introduced and no one felt like an outsider. We rookies were included in all fishing conversations as if this was our twentieth visit. There were no secrets in camp... if someone was catching fish, that pattern and even the location was shared with all the guides and fishermen.
We had a different guide each day. We found this to be a great way to learn something different from each guide about their approach to fishing muskies. Steve gave them direction but did not limit them in how to approach each day. We were able to use our own rods and reels and were never questioned if we wanted to try a bait of our own. But when asked they would share their advice and were more then willing to share baits as well. We fished one day each with Travis, Cal, Darcy, and Scott Munford. They were all first class and worked very hard to get us a trophy. Never once did we question their ethics or passion for catching musky. It seemed as though they wanted us to catch fish more then we did! We do have a favorite guide but I will let you try this trip for yourself and develope your own opinion on who you like best.
We were also greeted by a familiar face on the docks. Martin is a new guide at AML this year. Having known him from another lodge I can say that he is a great addition to anyones staff.
All in all we had a great atay at AML (except for my cousin who missed two days of fishing due to passing a couple of kidney stones). We caught fish on suckers and casting and I was fortunate enough to catch my personal best 51 inch with a 25 inch girth. We also came back to the states with a new appreciation of how to fish muskies in the fall (this was our goal for the trip).
Thank you Steve and staff at AML, you are top notch. We will be back again. The Springer group