View Full Version : Last Minute Muskie for 15 year old

backwoods boys
11-17-2011, 08:17 AM
After fishing with Frank the previous weekend (11-5) and boating 9 for the weekend, I decided to risk the weather and try for one more day to finally get my 15 year old his first muskie.

A little history before I continue. My son Jace, was with me last year at the beggining of the season when I boated a 49" & 50" in the same day. Since that day, he has not let me fish for anything else. We used to enjoy the quick trip close to home for whatever was biting, but that had all ended. It was Muskie fishing or stay home. Makes me wonder whare Frank was about 16 years ago (hmmm?).

Earlier this summer my son & I went out casting with Frank. He up on the front, me in the back, and my son in the middle. It was another one of those exceptionally active periods, Frank got two or three, I got a couple, and approx 25 follows. My son right in the middle of us both had one chance at our very last spot where he wasn't paying attention where the fish took it out of the water, spit it out in mid-air and gone!! He was devastated. I was actually watching him at the time - he was studying Frank and his style better than he ever does in class.

So my son has now put in 150 to 200 hrs fishing muskie and has spent every penny of his extra money on lures. In other words the elusive muskie is living up to its reputation. Needless to say, he was getting ribbed by the rest of us pretty good.

Fast forward to Saturday 11-12-11. We arrive at Bay Store around 9am after leaving central MN at 3am. It was 22 degrees when we left and 30 when we get to the Angle. Wind is about 15 mph. We invited Frank with, but he had a much needed and hard to get repairman that just called & was coming this am. We decided to meet again at 1pm. My son & I decide to go troll some of the close spots and lo and behold - First pass a 47". I thought he was going to faint. His legs were shaking and he could hardly talk. Just a huge grin across his face. The trip was obviously worth it now. But wait there is more. 2nd pass same spot 40.5". 3rd pass same spot 39'' (Yes - he made me net them - and he pulled them in, measured each one and got pictures).

Then like many times before with this sport, the fish went cold. We fished until meeting with Frank at 1pm with no luck. We then went out with Frank until dark. Right at dusk around 5pm - bang - the center rod starts squeeling -My son grabs it (turns off the clickers) and tells us "Its a snag". Frank smiles back "Are you sure?" - Jace puts his finger on the spool and tugs "Oh, its a fish!". Frank is now grinning ear to ear. After its all said and done - Jace becomes the newest menber of the LOTW 50" club on pretty much the last day of fishing for the season.

Thank you Frank - you helped make "The Best Day of My Life" for a 15 year old and maybe his father as well.

Tim Kelly
11-17-2011, 09:00 AM
Great story! Looks like you've got another addict in the family. You should be all right for a trip or two when you're too old to drive now.

11-17-2011, 04:42 PM
Great story. Any photos you can post?

11-18-2011, 07:03 PM
Frank, It sounds like you have a promising Dock Boy for the summers in the future. Great story and a super ending. Congratulations Jace for quite a accomplishment.

Frank Walsh
11-18-2011, 09:41 PM
Dick, Dick, Dick. You are way off base. The dock boy needs to work. You think there is any way we are going to keep Jace out of a boat after this???? Ha...ha...ha....

Great story. Wish I was there. Oh....that's right. Posting these pictures for Eric of Jace's 47" & 50" fish.
Almost reminds me of a young Horseshoeass Smith.

11-18-2011, 11:07 PM
Jace has great fishing potential by following my footsteps or should I say my wake. Remember that I learned from the best and will continue to do so.

Frank Walsh
11-19-2011, 08:39 AM
Jace is only a Horseshoeass-at-Large. He has only mastered the trolling phase. Now let's see what he can do with a Cowgirl. And a large double 10 as well.

Frank Walsh
11-21-2011, 09:00 AM
Be careful what you do. There's always cameras around...................



Frank Walsh
08-04-2012, 07:52 AM
I have a feeling we may be hearing from Jace, or as we now say Mr. Jace, again.

backwoods boys
08-08-2012, 12:36 PM
I have a feeling we may be hearing from Jace, or as we now say Mr. Jace, again.

The title "Mr." may be a bit premature, but I can say he will buying his own gear from here on. Yes, my son the 15yr old last fall (but he would want me to acknowledge he is 16 now) that broke his 2yr quest for a musky has now a total of 9 muskies with only the first 4 trolling. He has even caught 2 from shore since the rest of the fishing party wouuld not get up as early (yes he provided pictures to prove it when the rest of us doubted him). In addition he has now put a bad beat on his old man with a 51 inch caught this weekend.

I am going to tell the story, not because it is unique, but because it is so normal and aptly portrays why we keep fishing.

Five of us came fishing this last weekend for 2 days of fishing musky. We were lucky enough to get Frank to guide us for these days. Frank had told us the fish were a bit finicky and they were seeing some, but been difficult to get to bite. Stickbaits were getting follows, but cowgirls were getting the few bites as of late. So we split up. My son & I went in our boat & Frank took the other three in his. We met for lunch and found we each had similar results with several follows but no committment. That afternoon my son & I then went with Frank. True to form once again we were getting follows (mainly on Franks Suick) but no bites. The wind was really blowing and a good sized storm had been coming at us (Frank has really cool radar on his Lowrance). We were trying to find another bay to work that was at least somewhat out of the wind and no farther away. Frank said there was a small bay around the corner they had worked earlier & saw 2 fish. We said lets go! On the way I asked my son if he wanted to switch lures (he was using a Cowgirl). He said, "No I am listening to Frank - he said the few bites they were getting were on Cowgirls lately so I am sticking with it." Frank & I laughed and made a few comments on the young and naive. We had worked the bay over pretty well when Frank said "Well thats pretty disappointing to not even see a fish...." He didn't get to finish the rest of the sentance when it hit my sons lure right at the boat. Guess he got the last laugh!

Wind, rain, and finicky fish, beat by skilled guiding, guts, and determination. Great memories - Who could ask for anything more? Than you my friend!

backwoods boys
08-08-2012, 12:37 PM
Frank - once again I am technology illiterate & can not get the pictures to post. Did you receive them and could you post one? Thanks.

08-08-2012, 08:30 PM
what a great "part 2" to this story!

can't wait to arrive at the Baystore Docks this coming Saturday...

Frank Walsh
08-09-2012, 07:22 AM
Just ask.....................

Jace with his 51", and his friend Bryce with his 49".