View Full Version : Maybe we all learned something

Dirty Oar
11-21-2011, 08:39 PM
Some observations in random order..............

I think it would be great if the DNR would re-establish the jams. Those who in-frequent the flowage cannot expect to keep up with the habits and patterns of walleye when they only get up there a couple days a season. We all don't live 45 minutes from Springstead Landing you know.

I understand the frustration of the out of state visitors who pay a higher fee to use our resources. But when I play a game I want to know the rules before hand and you do that by buying a license. Also it doesn't help our opinion when our highway is plugged with out of state plates going 20mph over the speed limit. Try showing some respect for the good roads you ride on for free.

All the fishing seminars, tv shows and local know it alls I've witnessed have usually given the same advice to revive a fish. Firmly hold in front of the tail, body upright and slowly move forward and backward until it gets it together and swims away. No two releases I ever had acted the same anyway. Hot or cold water, tired or not , the fish will recover in it's own time. But if there is proof from a biologist that says to move water through the gills in a natural forward direction only, I will do that. Seems a bit like pushing a rope but i'll try anything that has science behind it.

Camping on the flowage is a summer trip our group looks forward to all winter. We don't care if the fish don't co-operate, as the solitude of the water is relaxing enough to make the few days we get worth it. Staying in a cabin or motel just doesn't cut it once you experience the good times had with family and friends around a campfire. We use the motel for winter sports.

And last, leave your sour attitude at home and get along with your fellow campers and fishermen. Life only allows so much time for enjoyment so don't waste it. You know who you are.

That might be 3 cents worth, adjusted for inflation.

11-26-2011, 06:20 PM
Have a fun Holiday season--------
See you all next walleye opening spring weekend at Pork'y's.

Iowa "Tom" -----------[tourist and non-speeder]