View Full Version : Christmas Party December 13th

Rob VanGorder
11-26-2011, 05:16 PM
Our annual Christmas party will be Tuesday December 13th 7 PM at Original Joe's on USR 23 just north of Lewis Center Road near the Kroger store. The club will buy the food and non-alcoholic beverages and there will be waitress and cash bar service available. Bring a muskie related wrapped gift for a secret gift exchange. We will also be doing one raffle to raise money for the Mid-Ohio Food Bank. Hope to see everyone show up to cap off a great 2011 for the chapter. Until then, good luck on the water and in the woods.

Rob VanGorder
12-11-2011, 12:13 PM
Our Christmas party is this coming Tuesday at Joe's Original on USR 23 by Lewis Center Road. Hope to see everyone there. Bring a wrapped muskie related gift for the group gift exchange if you'd like to participate. Party starts at 7 PM