View Full Version : December tip of the month

11-30-2011, 10:35 PM
Hi everyone,

Wanted to inform you that I've posted my tip of the month for December. This month's tip talks about early ice fishing. Ice is now forming and I hope to be out this weekend.

Also want to remind everyone that if you haven't yet ordered your copy of "The Walleyemaxx System book", now is the time to be sure you recieve it in time for Christmas. Click here http://www.walleyemaxx.com/pages/the-walleyemaxx-system-book.php You can order by check or credit card through Paypal. Good luck fishing everyone and be safe.


12-08-2011, 02:27 PM
Hi everyone,

Just checked the ice on my favorite small lake. It made about an inch of ice since last week. We're in for below zero nights the next few nights so we should have close to 5" of ice on that particular lake. I'll use my ATV close to shore to get to where I want to walk out. I'll still have the spud bar and test the ice on every step and wear my life jacket and have my spikes to help crawl out if need be. Probably use the gas auger tho. Just have to be aware at all times, but first ice is the strongest ice. I'll have two others with me so we can help each other if something bad happens. The bigger and deeper lakes have less ice so be sure to be extra carefull on those lakes. I read on another post that the Big Chip has 2" of ice at most. Not ready to be fished yet. I'll wait untill Christmas to fish the Big Chip. In fact first ice should always be considered the time for the smaller and shallower lakes. Good luck to anyone going out, and be safe.
