View Full Version : Ice fishing report 12-11-2011

12-12-2011, 09:26 AM
Hi everyone,

Fished hard all day yesterday in windy but warmer conditions. The sun was bright with very few clouds, the temps were in the mid to upper twenty's, and the condition on the ice grew sloppy. Even though there is only a couple inches of snow on top of the ice, it was enough weight to sag the ice so water was coming up thru the holes in the thin ice. We had 4-5" of ice whuch is good for foot travel, but the slush makes it dificult for walking. We fished the same spot as Saturday and after a slow start we had a very successful day.

Sunday it was just Big Mick and myself. By the time we pulled up stakes to head home, we had put 14 Walleyes, and 42 Perch on the ice. All the Walleyes were undersized,but Mick kept 19 Perch which will make for a good fish fry. The lake we were on has a 15" size limit for the Walleyes and all were under that. The Perch that Mick kept were all decent. Smallest was 8" the biggest pushing 11". Good eaters. The day started out slow. Not marking a lot of fish on the vex for about the first two hours. Than Mick kept getting a flag tripped and the minnow gone but no fish. After the 10th time, I suggested he jig that hole because we figured it was Perch. We were right. That one hole produced all of Mick's Perch. He caught them all on a jigging rap tipped with a minnow head. I caught my Perch on a little spoon tipped with a minnow head. I tried waxxies too but nothing would touch them.

I caught two Walleyes on tip ups and lost a big fish on the tip up. Had bigger sized sucker minnows on them. The rest of the Walleyes were caught jigging with the spoon and jigging rap tipped with minnow heads. by 6 oclock everything just shut down. No more marks on the vex and no more flags popping. Time to call it a day. Mick had a 5 hour drive back home.

In two days with three of us on Saturday and two of us on Sunday, we iced 34 Walleyes and 76 Perch. It is a small lake so I don't feel bad that we only kept one Walleye and 19 Perch. It was fun to catch the numbers and just to be out on the ice enjoying mother nature. All the jigging fish were caught with baits tipped with minnow heads. Tried wzxxies and Saturday even had mousies. Both Walleyes and the Perch prefered the minnow heads by far. The tip ups had very little action on Sat. but Sunday had a lot of flags. We had sucker minnows, shinners, and fatheads on tip ups with the sucker minnows getting way more action. The weather was not the best with bright conditions most of the time and a high barometer with a lot of wind both days. But having a portable shelter makes it bearable and enjoyable. We are in for a little warmup for a few days, but I don't think we'll will lose ice. It just won't be making a lot more for a while. Good luck fishing everyone and be safe.

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