View Full Version : Update on Linesville Hatchery Muskie Baitfish Fund

12-13-2011, 08:50 AM
Rob Brown, from the Linesville Hatchery, gave a presentation on muskie culture at the Three Rivers Chapter of Muskies Inc. monthly meeting last night. About 50-60 peolple attending the meeting.

The PFBC raises and stocks approximately 150,000 muskie fingerlings accross the state annually. Approximately 30,000 of those fingerlings are produced at Linesville Hatchery and stocked on the western side of PA. Their goal is to improve the quality/size of the fingerlings stocked. Rob said that fathead minnows are the key ingredient to raising larger fingerlings. The goal is to stock 10" fingerlings in the fall that were cultured in the spring. Right now the Linesville Hatchery is raising an 8" fingerling (on avg) to be stocked in the fall. Rob said that those fingerlings grow fast when placed in outside ponds and fed fathead minnows, but the hatchery does not have the funding to purchase enough minnows to feed the muskies. Rob said that an average fingerling can grow a coouple inches in one month when fed a good supply of fathead minnows. Not only the length of the fingerlings is important. The hatchery measures the quality of their fingerlings by measuning FPP. FPP is fingerlings or fish per pound, so the weight or fatness of the fingerlings is very important to their survival.

The most exciting thing to come from the meeting and presentation, as it relates to us as muskie fisherman, is the chapter being able to donate funds to help raise fathead minnows. I had said before that the money we raised would be used to improve habitat in the ponds that Linesville uses to raise fathead minnows. However, Rob feels that the money would be best spent by purchasing minnows for next year. He said that their process and the habitat in the ponds will support a 600% return on fathead minnows raised. In other words, they can turn 100lbs of fathead minnows into 700lbs over a growing season.

Rob said that the hatchery would be very pleased if we could raise enough money to purchase 300lbs of fathead minnows next year. Fathead minnows are $5.90 per pound, so we will need to rasie about $1800 to purchase those minnows for next year. I think that number should be pretty attainable. The key will be supporting this effort over a number of years. Those 300lbs of fatheads should be able to produce about 2100lbs of fatheads following the 600% return. The Three Rivers Chapter will be able to cut a check directly to the minnow supplier to deliver the fathead minnows to the Linesville Hatchery in May.

The Three Rivers Chapter will be working on fund rasining ideas over the next month or so. We will be looking for donations from lure manufacturers, guides, etc to create a raffle ticket to sell. Capt. Larry Jones has already offered to donate a guided day on Chautauqua and I know we will have many others who will want to support this cause. All of the proceeds would go directly to the minnow fund. Another idea is to auction donated muskie baits on ebay etc. I will keep people posted as I learn more from the next board meeting in January.

Zach Baker and the 50 to 60 members that attended the meeting last night got the minnow fund off to a great start. Zach donated a Baker Lure package of 11 baits that we raffled off last night to one lucky winner. The raffle generated $345 last night to start the fund. Thanks very much to Zach! Your baits are truly works of art.

Let me know if anyone has any questions, or would like to donate products/services to help raise money through raffles, etc. I will do my best to keep everyone posted on the progress of the project. This is a great way for us to directly impact the success of our muskie program in Pennsylvania.

Adam Andresky

Red Childress
12-13-2011, 08:59 AM
Great job, Zack and thanks for the update, Adam. I will donate a free guided fishing trip for 2 persons as well. We can work out the details later.

The Butler Show would be a nice venue in which to officially kick start the Bait Fund donations .....maybe that could be our target date for getting raffle tix together and donations itemized??

12-13-2011, 10:14 AM
Thanks Red! We are on the same page with the Butler Show.

Larry Jones
12-13-2011, 01:51 PM
Adam,Here is an Idea,we have the Chautauqua Musky Cash Tourney on June 23rd to raise funds for purchasing fathead minnows for Prendergast Hatchery and NY State Muskie Stocking Program,Sunday June 24th Three Rivers could have an additional Tourney where everyone pays $10 for biggest fish,with 50% going to PA Bait Fish Fund!
I would believe most of the fishermen in the Saturday June 23rd Tourney would also get into the Sunday June 24th Tourney. Both June 23rd & 24th are Free Fishing Days in NY.Those wanting to get into Sundays Tourney could give their $10 to someone at the June 23rd Tourney Awards Presentation at 6:00 pm at Mayville Town Park

12-13-2011, 02:05 PM
That's an idea Larry. I will mention it to the Three Rivers' board. I am not sure if the board/tournament director will want to take on the extra responsibilty of another tournament. Tournaments are also difficult to have 100% of the proceeds go to the fund becuase of costs for insurance, permits, tournament prizes etc. Thaks for the suggestion though. I'll see what the guys think.

12-13-2011, 02:08 PM
Muddy Creek Fishing Guides (Jim Burr and Todd Young) have donated a guided day for 4 on Lake Arthur with lunch.

Larry Jones
12-13-2011, 02:18 PM
Adam, I can get another day of Liability Insurance for the Sunday added to the existing June 23rd Tourney Liability Insurance Policy for under $100!

Larry Jones
12-13-2011, 02:36 PM
When you get a raffle ticket printed with all the guides on it to sell someone can sit at the Michigan Muskie Show in my booth and sell them!

12-13-2011, 04:02 PM
Awesome job guys! With 3 Rivers, Cpt Larry, Red's and Muddy Creek support I think we are in good hands with this project. Thanks to all those who attended last night's meeting as I don't think we could have had a better start. I would also like to mention that myself (Baker), Wiley, Newmann, Boyer, and Leo will be doing a few fundraisers on ebay to generate additional funds for this project over this next year. To be included with PA's finest is a very big thing to me and I am going to do my best for these auctions that will be had in the future. In no way do I consider myself as talented as PA finest but it is very select company to be included in and I am truly thrilled!

12-14-2011, 09:45 AM
Adam, I'd be willing to donate a custom rod built on a Tackle Industries blank. I have a shipment of blanks coming from James in the next few weeks. When do you need the rod done? Give me a call so we can discuss how to get the details worked out. 717-348-9366

Larry Jones
12-14-2011, 10:19 AM
That would be great if Ohio starts a program as well to purchase fathead minnows for their musky hatchery.Here is a vision I have: We have the Chautauqua Tourney to raise funds for the Bait Fish Fund.What if PA had a Tourney and also Ohio had a Tourney on Lakes in their States.Then the top 25 from NY Tourney,PA Tourney & Ohio Tourney all fished in a Tri-State Tourney that moved to a different state every year.The funds generated from the Tri-State Tourney would be split three ways between NY,Pa & OH Bait Fish Funds.All three states working together is what will keep muskies world class in the Northeast!

Bob Marshall
12-14-2011, 11:20 AM
We have been doing this in Ohio for at least 20 years. It started out as an Ohio Huskie Muskie Club project. We would raise money throughout the year and then at the end of the year the Division of Wildlife would present a "wish list" of what they needed for the hatcheries. Sometimes it was minnows but more often it was some type of expensive equipment. Soon the inidividual Muskies, Inc chapters started doing the same thing on their own. A number of years ago it was decided that it was silly for each club to be doing its own thing and all the clubs came together as one group and created one large "minnow fund" supported and administered by all the clubs working as one group. Rob Vangorder of the Central Ohio chapter is the administrator of that fund and does a tremendous job with it. I don't have any contact info for Rob but I am sure that he could be reached through the Central Ohio message board. I think it would be great to get all three states helping each other out since many anglers fish in all three states at some point in the season. I actually hope to make it back up to chautauqua again soon since I am retiring at the end of May.

Larry Jones
12-14-2011, 01:23 PM
Bob,I was aware of the Ohio Huskie Muskie Club working with the Ohio Div Of Wildlife,years ago I donated fishing charters to their raffle ticket and bought many of the boat raffle tickets.My understanding then that it was for trap nets and other equipment needed,I never knew they purchased fathead minnows.So we have muskie fishermen in all three states that fish in all three states and all have the same mission to keep their muskie fisheries world class,so working together in that mission can only be a very good for all!

12-14-2011, 01:26 PM
That would be great. We appreciate your support. I will be in touch.

12-15-2011, 08:47 AM

I think this all sounds fantastic and I am more than willing to help however I can. I'm trying to stay away from buying anymore baits for a while, but I'm willing to throw some cash into the project.

I do have one question. As far as I can tell, this is directly related to Pure Musky. Is that correct? That works for me, but I'm also interested to find out more about the Tiger side of things since a few of the waters I fish are stocked solely with them or are mixed with Pures. Just curious to see if you guys have any info on them too. Thanks.


12-15-2011, 01:08 PM

If you would like to contribute to the baitfish fund, you can buy some raffle tickets when we get them printed out.

The money raised will be used to purchase fatheads for muskies at the Linesville Hatchery. Linesville does not raise tigers, so these minnows will be fed to pures only. I think Union City may raise tigers. I think they raise pike and muskie there, so it stands to reason that they may raise tigers.

Depending on the response and interest we get with this fundraiser, we may want to look at future donations to other hatcheries in the state.

Adam A.

12-15-2011, 01:11 PM
Jeremy from Tuscarora Tackle will be donating a custom made 9' rod that we will most likely raffle off at the Butler Show to benefit the minnow fund.

12-15-2011, 01:24 PM

Awesome, thanks for the info. Just out of curiosity, I'll have to do some diggin to find out more about the Tigers too. I'll definitely keep an eye out for the raffle tickets.


12-15-2011, 01:30 PM
Found this cool article that mentions a few of the PA Musky hatcheries.


Larry Jones
12-18-2011, 08:51 AM
I have recieved emails asking where to send donations for the Linesville Bait Fish Fund.Please post an address here and at Mostly Muskies board of where to send those donations to. I would post a PayPal donation button on this messageboard in the sticky section here on Red's message board!

Red Childress
12-19-2011, 08:04 AM
Go ahead and post it, Larry.......I will stick it after you post it.

Larry Jones
12-19-2011, 09:14 AM
Red,Someone from Three Rivers MI Chapter needs to open a PayPal Link to recieve Donations to the PA Bait Fish Fund and then post it here and on my message board.

Red Childress
12-20-2011, 09:50 AM
I spoke with Jim Burr yesterday and he was telling me that the raffle tix are being printed as we speak......more info coming soon.

Red Childress
12-21-2011, 11:14 AM
The raffle drawing (for the guided fishing trips donated by various guides) is scheduled to happen on April 29th during the 3Rivers Chapter monthly meeting. The Butler Show will be a great time to grab some tickets as well as take advantage of other great raffles with proceeds going directly to the Musky Baitfish Fund.

When I get more info, I will post here.

Red Childress
01-03-2012, 03:14 PM
Linesville SFH/Three Rivers Chapter-Muskies Inc 2012 Minnow Project Linesville State Fish Hatchery
13300 Hartstown Rd.
Linesville, Pa 16424


Funding donated by the Three Rivers Chapter-Muskies Inc will go towards the purchase of fathead minnows to allow rearing muskie fingerling in outdoor ponds. This plan describes the process that the Linesville Hatchery personnel will use to expand fathead minnow populations at the hatchery. It is expected that minnow rearing of fingerling at the later part of the growing season will improve Pennsylvania’s muskie population by reducing cannibalism and improving survival after stocking.


Fathead minnows will be purchased from the Harry Saul Minnow Farm in De Valls Bluff, AR. A disease free certificate verifying the health of the minnows will accompany all purchased minnows to ensure quality. The minnows will be delivered to the Linesville Hatchery directly from the Harry Saul Farm in the spring when water temperatures near the 65 degree mark. Upon arrival the minnows will be sorted and sexed males from females. The minnows will then be stocked into freshly filled ponds. Depending on the amount of minnows available for stocking, the stocking rates will not exceed the following; 20,000 fish/acre (or 100 lbs/acre) containing 60% adults and 40% immature fish also using a standard 1 male to 3 female ratios. Linesville has designated a maximum of 14 acres of water which includes 20 ponds that range from one to half an acre for minnow production. These ponds contain suitable habitat such as #4 stone shore line, piles of broken up sidewalk rubble, floating corrugated plastic pipe, clay tile and blocks. Vertical plank habitat placed in production ponds at Linesville SFH provide spawning structure for fathead minnows and feed locations for fingerling muskie.

Minnows are fractional spawners, spawning many times over during the summer when temperatures range is within 65-85 degrees. Males will guard nets under the placed habitat and will permit several females to deposit eggs in the nest. Females average 400 eggs per spawn and will generally spawn every 4-5 days. Based on past years, it is expected to harvest a minimum of 3 x the amount stocked per spawning period. At Linesville we generally see two spawning periods per year. The first spawning period is when the water temps are on the rise, usually May 5th-July 18th. The second spawning period is when the water temperatures are on the way down, usually August 8th-October 10th. During the break of spawning (late July) staff drain ponds and inventory harvests. The ponds are then refilled and restocked with proper stocking rates. All left over minnows are held in outside raceways at cooler temperatures until the muskie are ready for outside rearing.


The Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission has four cool-water hatcheries that stock fingerling muskie into PA waters throughout the state. On average the hatcheries stock 130,000 7-9” fingerling each year, of the 130,000 fingerling stocked, the Linesville hatchery contributes 30,000-35,000 throughout western PA.

Nearly all the fingerling in the state hatcheries have been raised from hatched fry to stockable fingerling on a dry feed. Dry feed has resulted in a low cost and consistent method for rearing fingerling in our hatcheries. At the Linesville hatchery historic data shows that dry feed alone will produce a 7-9” fingerling at an average body weight of 20 fish/lb. When dry feed is replaced with natural forage such as fathead minnows for 30-60 days prior to stocking, growth rates are accelerated. 8”-10” fingerling at an average body weight of 12 fish/lb. are expected. A rapid increase in the fingerlings body weight and overall length increases the fingerlings percent in survival.

Depending on the pounds of forage available in the month of September, fingerling muskie will be moved from Intensive rearing tanks located in our hatch house to outside raceways and ponds. The 6”-7” fingerlings will be set up at 2,400 fish/acre and supplied up to 300 lbs of 1”-2” size fatheads/month. Weekly inspections of the ponds and raceways will determine the forage density and adjustments will be made to ensure ample food supply is available.


Funding donated by the Three Rivers Chapter-Muskies Inc will increase the number and time that muskie fingerling will be supplied with natural forage prior to stocking. This will greatly increase the overall quality of muskie stocked from the Linesville hatchery. To give these fish the best chance of survival in their natural environment the Three Rivers Chapter members will participate in the stocking of these fingerling throughout the waters of western Pennsylvania.

01-03-2012, 08:20 PM
Thats awesome information!! As I've mentioned, I'm all for helping any way that I can. I do have another question though. I noticed that they mention stocking "western Pennsylvania". I'm also interested in helping any stocking efforts in central PA also. Anything dealing with the Susky, Juniata, and any lakes in the area, I'm all about it. I just don't seem to really hear anything about this area. Seems we're kind of stuck in the middle of groups to the east and west of us. Thats certainly not a complaint, would just like to find out as much as I can to help out in any way. I am a member of the 3 Rivers Chapter already. If you guys have any additional info, I'd certainly appreciate it.


01-03-2012, 11:21 PM
Thats awesome information!! As I've mentioned, I'm all for helping any way that I can. I do have another question though. I noticed that they mention stocking "western Pennsylvania". I'm also interested in helping any stocking efforts in central PA also. Anything dealing with the Susky, Juniata, and any lakes in the area, I'm all about it. I just don't seem to really hear anything about this area. Seems we're kind of stuck in the middle of groups to the east and west of us. Thats certainly not a complaint, would just like to find out as much as I can to help out in any way. I am a member of the 3 Rivers Chapter already. If you guys have any additional info, I'd certainly appreciate it.


Dude, I'm with you. I feel like we're in 'no man's land' here in central PA. My home water is the Juniata and we have some decent musky fishing in the waters that you mentioned. I'd love to get a stocking program started for our area!!!


01-04-2012, 08:31 AM
Although I don't fish the central part of the state, I can understand your concern and interest in helping the muskie program in your part of the state. I would suggest contacting Joe Houck from the Three Rivers Chapter and express your interest to him. What could likely happen from there is have Rob Brown from the Linesville Hatchery help you/us get in touch with the hatchery or hatcheries that raise and stock muskies in your part of the state. I would think because of the success we have had with donations and float stocking, etc in the western part of the state, that the hatcheries that handle Central PA would welcome the same kind of teamwork and support from muskie anglers in your part of the state.

01-04-2012, 08:39 AM

Thanks for the info. I'll certainly try contacting Joe. Being that I am still relatively new to the whole Musky game, I don't really have much of a list of "connections" built up yet. So, all this advice/information is greatly appreciated.


01-16-2012, 10:58 AM

Just wanted to let you guys know that the rod I'm building and donating will be a Lamiglas, not Tackle Industries. It looks like my shipment of TI blanks won't arrive until the weekend after the Butler Show so I'm building on a Lamiglas instead. The rod will be the 8'6" XH which I like for casting and trolling. I have a 8'6" XH and I like mine for casting 2-6oz lures but it also does great as a trolling rod. I'm building it with full grips so that it can be used for casting or trolling.


01-17-2012, 01:01 PM
Sounds good Jeremy. Thanks again.