View Full Version : New Years Ice Fishing Report

Pete Stoltman
01-02-2012, 12:59 AM
Well, the first annual Chain Pounders Ice Outing is in the history books. It was a great time for all attendees and definitely a light hearted event. Fishing started out fairly steady with pike and bass providing nearly all the action except for the few jig fisherment who were kept busy by bluegills. Didn't measure the ice but I think I'd be safe to say we found about 9 inches of good ice on Silver Lake. As the day progressed and the approaching winter storm started to make its presence known the fishing slowed down consdierably. The few of us who stuck it out till just about dark should have bailed around 4:00 when most of the other folks did.Only a couple flags at a time when things should have been popping.

Overnight we got about 5 inches of snow in the St. Germain area and the wind was just a howlin' to usher in the new year. Got out this afternoon with my family and got a dozen tip-ups set in fairly short order. Blustery wind was covering our ice holes with drifting snow about as fast as we could cut them. Once we were all set and in the shack for a little warm-up we waited...and waited...and waited until that joyous shout went up "FLAG!" What we found was one pretty nice sized perch who ate a good sized shiner. Again my sons Tom and Pete waited with me for the magic to happen. The only magic that occured was our tip-ups disappearing under drifting snow. We finally had the good sense and frozen fingers to consider the day a nearly total defeat and pulled up to head back to Stoltman Manor for a delicious Mexican dinner prepared by the ladies of the household. In summary I guess I could say that this dang winter storm really put a hurt on the bite and I'm guessing it may be a day or two before things start picking up again. We'll be out there and let you know as conditions change.