View Full Version : Took a ride.

Jerry Tipping
01-04-2012, 10:38 PM
Kay and I took a ride up to our place in Arkdale today just to check things out. A little snow on the ground, but just a dusting. A lot of ice on the side roads and some of the main roads as well. Drove around a bit to see where they are fishing and seen 1 boat below the Petenwell Dam. Stopped by Chester Creek and did not see a soul there. Headed south on "Z" and stopped by the Lure. There were at least 30-40 on the ice out front with atv's. About a dozen out from Monroe Park, a few across by Longview. Nobody on the ice down by the County Park. Down by "The Rock" there were two guys setting tip-ups in front of the Lions Club ramp by Michael's Landing, but a lot of open water near the bridge. 1 Guy back in Klein Creek, and that was it. Nobody by Carlson's or anywhere else that I could see on the lake. Last stop was the Castle Rock Dam, and there was 1 boat there as well. I don't know what the ice conditions are, but from what I could see, I'd wait a while longer.

Keep a tight line!!!
