View Full Version : New to hard water on the East side

01-16-2012, 01:15 PM
Hi there. We generally fish the SE corner of the lake during open water, and do well catching crappies and sunnies, however, we've never ventured out on the ice and are wondering if you have any thoughts or opinions on that part of the lake. We would get on at the Winter Dam landing and go from there on snowmobiles. Another concern, since we are Flowage ice rookies, is thin ice. Are there areas we should avoid that aren't obvious? Anyway, thanks for your help. It is very much appreciated.


01-16-2012, 02:58 PM
Hi doerhoefer,

I'm not familiar with the ice myself. Since ice fishing was banned for so many years, I turned my ice fishing to Vilas County. I talked to a person who told me that the snowmobile trail is at the boat landing by the dam so access can be gained there. My advise to you is to stay on the marked snowmobile trail untill you get close to where you want to go. Then drill a hole evry 20-30 yards to keep checking the ice. It's painfully slow, but you'll live to fish another day. Post back how you do. I'm going to try to get on the east side myself in about another week. Good luck and be safe.


01-19-2012, 09:13 PM
Hey doerhoefer;

I'm headed over to the Big Chip this Sat. I'm going to try to access by the dam landing. If you're making the trip this weekend too, look me up. I have a blue 6 wheeler. We can compare notes on how were doing. Ill be somewhere between Wagon Wheel and Cranberry and the church bars area.


01-20-2012, 12:48 PM
I know that area very well, however, the trip this weekend will involve snowmobiles, not fishing poles unfortunately. Only so much time in a weekend away. Anyway, good luck, and please post ice conditions and what your impressions are over there. I will be very curious to hear. Hoping to get back up the first weekend in February to give that area a try for the first time. Be safe and have a great day!