View Full Version : Saturday Report

Swamp Rat
02-05-2012, 12:41 PM
Went out today and brought my oldest son with too c if I could get him a fish on a tip-up. Started fishing around 7:00 am south of the gladstone beach house in 32 fow. Didn`t take long and he had his first fish. Ended up being 24 inches. By 9:30 he was 5 for 11 all being 23-24 inches. No action all afternoon till about 5:00 when flags started popping again. Didn`t land any but he had fun trying. All fish were on tip-ups with sucker chubs. The weird thing is all the fish were caught in the same hole and it was surrounded by lots of other tip-ups from everyone else that was there. No one elses flags were going up. Not even the other 5 we had out.Talked to a guy this morning that was using that same hole and he got 4 with one being 28 inches. Have to save that hole and put it back out next weekend. lol

Swamp Rat
02-05-2012, 12:50 PM
Don't know how the angry face got on there.

schmutzomatic 5000
02-05-2012, 02:34 PM
Hey, good report Swamp.... Got any pic's???

Swamp Rat
02-05-2012, 09:28 PM
If I knew how to put pictures on here I would. Sorry