View Full Version : All in a name!

02-09-2012, 04:39 PM
Frank, thought you would get a kick out of this.....Bozo and I happened to wander over to St. Cloud for their monthly Muskie Inc. Meeting. They had a special guest speaker there this month. As the speaker was being introduced, the announcer stated that this gentlman really needed no introduction, and (this is the best part), that his named spelled Mr. Perfection!!! He then wanted everyone to welcome Dick Pearson!!!! Everyone clapped, and I wondered where this Mr. Perfection was sitting?!?!!?!?!

Great talk Dick!!! Anyone that missed it, missed some very valuable information!!! And thanks for all those GPS coordinates!!!!!


02-09-2012, 05:44 PM
Bob,afraid you missed something,Bozo has already posted about 'Mr Perfection'.
GPS coordinates?Not sure what you're talking about but if you copied the figures off my notes after my talk,those numbers were just scribbles/tallies I made during my talk.I was trying to come up with a rough idea of the number of DUI or other criminal charges that audience had incurred over the years.You guys from the Twin Cities bumped them up considerably.
Nevertheless glad you guys drove up.As usual I was perhaps a bit 'far out' but on that stuff I know I'm right.:cool:Hope it helps,think it will.Was encouraging to hear some of my theory had been confirmed by guys fishing REALLY big water.(Superior).
See you this summer.