View Full Version : Guess the spot

02-18-2012, 11:20 PM
Guessing the spot was kind of fun in the past. I will give it a try. Guess away !

Ty Sennett
02-20-2012, 11:45 AM
This is a tough one.

02-20-2012, 11:58 AM
That kinda looks like Birch Island in the background. So that would put you somewhere near the camping island near Cedar tops or just off Big Banana?

02-20-2012, 01:23 PM
I'd say it is the northeast side of Big Banana with Birch island in the background. The camping Island is to the left in the photo (can't see it)

02-21-2012, 10:24 AM
I haven't fished the Chip in probly 5 yrs, but i'm guessing you're somewhere by Dun Rovin Lodge w/ Popple and Eagles Nest in the background?

02-21-2012, 09:37 PM
Hahaha. Guess it wasn't that tough, Ty. MCR and Jax got it. Sorry family guy. Thanks for playing.

Ty Sennett
02-22-2012, 09:01 AM
Man, you guys are good. Took me a little to figure that one out. I kept thinking those were bogs in the background not reeds. Then I just tried to think where Robert fishes the most. Sorry Robert. I've got your hot spots down after twenty plus years of fishing together.

Speaking of which, give me a call if you want any days this year.

Thanks for the picture Robert,

02-22-2012, 11:25 AM
I’ve never fished there, thanks for the spot! Lol
Take a guess at this one, should be obvious, but it’s a cool shot


02-22-2012, 10:14 PM
I am brain dead on the spot, but the picture is fabulous ! Looks kind of chilly out, I reckon Sparky don't care. lol

Ty, actually it's been a LONG time since I made a pass down that shoreline. That little Tiger gave me hope last summer. Best I recall, it was really windy and kind of rainy that day and we went down along there just to get out of the brutal ness for a bit of relief. It worked. I'll call you Thursday if I remember.