View Full Version : A beautiful weekend...

02-19-2012, 05:51 PM
Just back from a weekend of skiing, snowshoeing and exploring the northwoods... Will upload photos later - some TFF shots, including northern lights last night, along with some scenery from the U.P. and a few from the drive home. Until then, here's a short timelapse video of this morning's sunrise over Horseshoe and Townline - it ends a little abruptly, but I didn't have time for more and I wasn't going for an Oscar.


02-19-2012, 10:19 PM
And pictures are now uploaded at the link below.

Musky Mauler
02-25-2012, 11:52 AM
Thanx for all the great shots, and for the sunrise. Did you get up early, or were you still up from the night before?

Keep up the good work. It's appreciated by those of us who are less talented. MM

02-25-2012, 03:19 PM
A couple years ago, either possibility would have been equally likely... Unfortunately, I seem to have hit the age where early mornings are becoming more appealing than late nights. I started the camera around 6:45 AM and set the interval timer for 900 frames at 7 second intervals, so that's 1h45m of sunrise converted into 30 seconds of video. Maybe this summer I'll try using longer intervals to shoot a full day.

02-29-2012, 09:11 PM
Blue, I spent 16 years working for a large photographic company (think green and Japanese). I've worked with some serious heavy hitters in the industry.

That being said your photos are a true pleasure to look at. You seriously have "the eye" for it, which can't be learned.

Thank you, and keep shooting. If you're interested I'll be up at the Flowage at the end of June, and if you want to talk photography I'll pay for the beer.

02-29-2012, 11:10 PM
Much appreciated. After hearing similar comments for a while, I'm starting to become convinced. I've done a few moderately large (20x30) test prints this winter with mostly good results and I should have the beginnings of a portfolio website up and running soon, with online print sales to follow. Hoping to pick some winners from the collection and enter at least a couple shows in northern WI and Door County this summer, even if it does cut into my fishing time a little. I'm not a beer person, but remind me when the time gets closer and I'm sure we can figure something out...

03-03-2012, 03:32 AM
OK, so let's get together for a Pop. We rented the Fort 6/23-30. Come on over and admire the fish on the wall. I could give you some photo marketing tips and you can mock me at how much I suck at fishing.

Did you know there's a stuffed bear in the basement of the Fort?

Flambeau Riverman
03-10-2012, 11:56 PM
Cool stuff as usual Blue!