View Full Version : Terrible......

02-20-2012, 05:53 PM
I just would like to say you people are terrible for the replies you DON"T give.
Just take a look at the replies VS. the views. People are good enough to post
his or her activities on or off the ice and it sure doesn't take very long to type
out a few words just to say something. This site won't last very long if you
don't use it. This is a GREAT site so get off your duff and chime in once in awhile.

Just sayin............


02-20-2012, 06:01 PM
Thank you. I asked about the access to Kate's Bay, as in where is a spot to drive on without going onto private property. No replies. I am not going to set up 10 feet away from you. It is a big body of water and I've been around. If I do come down there soon I will stop at the little store and ask for directions. Just want to be safe and get into some perch.

02-20-2012, 06:07 PM
The easiest way is to go to the state boat launch just a mile or two south of Garden which is right on Garden Bay. Just North of Garden is a Centrey Link building on the left side of the road. Just past that is a road to the left. It will take right to Kates Bay.

02-20-2012, 07:36 PM
Drive until you see a big windmill on the left, cant miss it it is really big, just before the windmill there is a seasonal road on the right it will take you right to the lake!!!!

02-20-2012, 08:31 PM
Thanks guys. I have a Lakemaster chip which should get me out to where I want to start. Is there a "Shantytown" or just trucks and portables?

02-20-2012, 08:37 PM

02-20-2012, 09:04 PM
Thanks for the help. The fishing Gods shall reward you.

02-21-2012, 09:07 AM
I agree with you 100% tomjohn!! Some of us don't have the luxury of living right next to lbdn so when we ask for some sort of report, whether it is a fishing or ice conditions, it is not to get the "secret spots" that everyone thinks they have, it is just to get a little more familiar with the lake! If I was a bettin' man, I would bet that out of towners bring a bit of money into the area and if they/we keep coming up there and do not catch a thing due to nobody giving up a little information, pretty soon they will go somewhere else! Don't get me wrong, there are some who give out great info! Chris (TBSG) gave me some excellent info about the ice conditions! Once we got up there there was a couple of people that helped out greatly! I hope people start giving out better info!

02-21-2012, 10:02 AM
I have posted very little this year because even though some just want info Others know who I am and where I fish They just come and put to guide shacks one on either side of me by only 50 ft and then rent them out to people who don't care because they paid money to fish. Tipups every where can't fish them myself even if I wanted to.
NO one would ever fish that close in a boat so why do it on the ice?

If I have caught fish it is almost always when other are not in the shacks right next to me It is less bait down to attract them and not as much noise of wheelers and sleds and augers run all around.

anyways been the slowest year for me ever
Just sayn

02-21-2012, 10:51 AM
I understand where you are coming from DK2 and i agree with you that people will get too close to others, I and the group that fish with me are not like that but with that being said it is also isn't fair to the honest or ethical fishermen.

02-21-2012, 01:01 PM
at least there's no frigging jet skis, hate when your just settled in, relaxing and this kids got the whole darn lake to bomb around, but he thinks I haven't ever seen a jet ski before so rooooooommm right by me. Makes a guy want to cast a silver spider ( old illegal snagging hook the size of your palm ) and rip him off the thing... lol. kidding. But I think its part of it, I'm catching I'm bragging, I'm not I'm whining bout something.
I feel your pain duckiller, but when I get to the point I have guides placing shanty's by me I suppose I'll have enough fish... (in no way excusing them my friend, just a poor attempt at humor)

Fishing is a delusion entirely surrounded by liars in old clothes.

02-21-2012, 01:04 PM
The thread wasn't meant to be about fishing so close and not getting along with people.
It was to be about good times and sharing pics and stories about experiences on and off the ice.
WOW...Did this get out of hand.

02-21-2012, 02:13 PM
Was not trying to highjack your subject by venting. Just why I do not post my fishing results. Been a slow year anyway. If nothing more I am having Quality time with my son who is 8 and growing up way to fast. Fishing is about the only thing I can beat him at. LOL he kicks my butt in all his video games.

02-21-2012, 04:51 PM
I'm sorry too.... didn't mean to rant! Good luck fishing guys!

02-21-2012, 06:05 PM
OK, I'll reply. I have been out fishing nearly every chance I get for the last week. I use a camera. I have seen fish, but I can't get them to take anything I throw down the hole. What the heck does it take to trigger these walleyes?

schmutzomatic 5000
02-21-2012, 06:12 PM
TJ I am sorry too... Sorry I haven't said screw work and made you take me out after some of those nice burbot you been posting lately...lol... Really buddy I am impressed. I tell ya every day I cant wait to check your success stories and I for one am glad that you take the time every day to inform us on your outings.. Even the one's you call "slow" put a smile on my face. I also enjoy all the nice pic's of your outdoor experiences from hunting to fishing to just taking time to notice and respect your surroundings and letting us share through your eyes... That is what makes you a true sportsman. Yea, we all cant get away and go as much as we would like but at least you take the time to let us know what life is like outside of the factory or office or whatever it may be and I thank you for it... Keep up the good work buddy and thanks again...Schmutz

02-21-2012, 08:46 PM
The thread wasn't meant to be about fishing so close and not getting along with people.
It was to be about good times and sharing pics and stories about experiences on and off the ice.
WOW...Did this get out of hand.
Dude, you asked, some told you, and now it's out of hand??!!

02-21-2012, 08:51 PM
NO one would ever fish that close in a boat so why do it on the ice...
Just sayn
This I disagree with, there are guys that will sit right on top if you in a boat also.